I have a table in MySQL with "text", "date_posted", and "user". I currently query all text from user=Andy, and call those questions. All of the other text fields from other users are answers to the most recent question.
What I want is to associate those answers with the most recent question, with a loop similar to "for each text where user=Andy, find the text where user!=Andy until date>the next user=Andy (question)"
This seems awfully contrived, and I'm wondering if it can be done roughly as I've outlined, or if I can save myself some trouble in how I'm storing the data or something.
Thanks for any advice.
EDIT: I've added in the insert queries I've been using.
$url = "http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=&ands=&phrase=&ors=&nots=RT%2C+%40&tag=andyasks&lang=all&from=amcafee&to=&ref=&near=&within=1000&units=mi&since=&until=&tude%5B%5D=%3F&rpp=50)";
$contents = file_get_contents($url);
$decode = json_decode($contents, true);
foreach($decode['results'] as $current) {
$query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO andyasks (questions, date, user) VALUES ('$current[text]','$current[created_at]','Andy')";
$url2 = "http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=&ands=&phrase=&ors=&nots=RT&tag=andyasks&lang=all&from=&to=amcafee&ref=&near=&within=15&units=mi&since=&until=&rpp=50";
$contents2 = file_get_contents($url2);
$decode2 = json_decode($contents2, true);
foreach($decode2['results'] as $current2) {
$query2 = "INSERT IGNORE INTO andyasks (questions, date, user) VALUES ('$current2[text]','$current2[created_at]','$current2[from_user]')";
And then on the SELECT side, this is where I am currently:
$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM andyasks");
$answers = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM andyasks WHERE 'user' != 'Andy'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($results))
if ($row['user'] == 'Andy') {
print(preg_replace($pattern, $replace, "<p>".$row["questions"]."</p>"));
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($answers))
print(preg_replace('/@amcafee/', '', "<p>".$row["questions"]."</p>"));