I'm working on a web project that is multilingual. For example, one portion of the project involves some custom google mapping that utilizes a client-side interace using jquery/.net to add points to a map and save them to the database.
There will be some validation and other informational messaging (ex. 'Please add at least one point to the map') that will have to be localized.
The only options I can think of right now are:
Use a code render block in the javascript to pull in the localized message from a resource file
Use hidden fields with meta:resourcekey to automatically grab the proper localized message from the resource file using the current culture, and get the .val() in jquery when necessary.
Make a webservice call to get the correct message by key/language each time a message is required.
Any thoughts, experiences?
I'd prefer to use the .net resource files to keep things consistent with the rest of the application.