I have an ASP.Net control that injects a javascript pageLoad function. I also have a pageLoad function directly on the page. I can't seem to get them both to fire. Are you limited to only a single function with the same name in javascript?
I have to disagree with Shog9...
I know it's possible to have multiple $(document).ready(f(n)) calls in a single document, with each being called in turn when the DOM finishes loading. I don't believe that multiple calls to ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript() cause any issues either.
Yes... Like most languages, JavaScript requires symbols to be unique within their scope. In JavaScript, if you create multiple definitions for a function within a given scope, then the last one to be defined "wins" - it will be as though the previous definitions never existed.
What you need to do, in order to make your redundant pageLoad
function work, is to use the Sys.Aplication.add_load()
method. Using it, you can attach as many handlers as you want to the page load event. What's more, you can use anonymous function to add in the add_load
method. Doing this will guarantee you that there is no danger of to handlers with duplicate names. Example:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("function() { alert('page load'); });");
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Page_Load", sb.ToString(), true);
You can as easily use the Sys.Application.add_load
on the client side, you can even add the same handler more than once. This will result in firing the same function multiple times :)