There is a way to do the cast. A little unsafe code! Don't be afraid of this post. Its mostly test code to show that it works. All the work happens here:
static unsafe List<A> CastBasAIL(List<B> bIn) {
DynamicMethod dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod("foo1", typeof(List<A>),
new[] { typeof(List<B>) }, typeof(void));
ILGenerator il = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // copy first argument to stack
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); // return the item on the stack
CCastDelegate HopeThisWorks = (CCastDelegate)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(
return HopeThisWorks(bIn);
This solution works as long as the thing you are trying to cast has the same instance field layout as the thing you are casting it to (inheritance situations work well). Note, there are some things that will give you type mismatch errors: i.e. if the List attempts to create a base type in a covariant situation. Just test after doing this.
I apologize to purists for this, but I am a recovering c/c++vb/aseembly programmer!
namespace Covariant {
class A {
public virtual string Name() { return "A"; }
class B : A {
public override string Name() { return "B"; }
delegate List<A> CCastDelegate(List<B> b); // be used in the cast
class Program {
static unsafe List<A> CastBasAIL(List<B> bIn) {
DynamicMethod dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod("foo1", typeof(List<A>), new[] { typeof(List<B>) }, typeof(void));
ILGenerator il = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // copy first argument to stack
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); // return the item on the stack
CCastDelegate HopeThisWorks = (CCastDelegate)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(CCastDelegate));
return HopeThisWorks(bIn);
static void Main(string[] args) {
// make a list<B>
List<B> b = new List<B>();
b.Add(new B());
b.Add(new B());
// set list<A> = the list b using the covariant work around
List<A> a = CastBasAIL(b);
// at this point the debugger is miffed with a, but code exectuing methods of a work just fine.
// It may be that the debugger simply checks that type of the generic argument matches the
// signature of the type, or it may be that something is really screwed up. Nothing ever crashes.
// prove the cast really worked
static void TestA(List<A> a) {
Console.WriteLine("Input type: {0}", typeof(List<A>).ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Passed in type: {0}\n", a.GetType().ToString());
// Prove that A is B
Console.WriteLine("Count = {0}", a.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Item.Name = {0}", a[0].Name());
// see if more complicated methods of List<A> still work
int i = a.FindIndex(delegate(A item) { return item.Name() == "A"; });
Console.WriteLine("Index of first A in List<A> = {0}", i);
i = a.FindIndex(delegate(A item) { return item.Name() == "B"; });
Console.WriteLine("Index of first B in List<A> = {0}\n", i);
// can we convert a to an array still?
Console.WriteLine("Iterate through a, after converting a to an array");
foreach (var x in a.ToArray())
Console.WriteLine("{0}", x.Name());