MySQL setup: step by step.
programs -> linked to --> speakers (by program_id)
At this point, it's easy for me to query all the data:
FROM programs
JOIN speakers on programs.program_id = speakers.program_id
Nice and easy.
The trick for me is this. My speakers table is also linked to a third table, "books." So in the "speakers" table, I have "book_id" and in the "books" table, the book_id is linked to a name.
I've tried this (including a WHERE you'll notice):
FROM programs
JOIN speakers on programs.program_id = speakers.program_id
JOIN books on speakers.book_id = books.book_id
WHERE programs.category_id = 1
No results.
My questions:
- What am I doing wrong?
- What's the most efficient way to make this query?
Basically, I want to get back all the programs data and the books data, but instead of the book_id, I need it to come back as the book name (from the 3rd table).
Thanks in advance for your help.
(rather than opening a brand new question)
The left join worked for me. However, I have a new problem. Multiple books can be assigned to a single speaker.
Using the left join, returns two rows!! What do I need to add to return only a single row, but separate the two books.
Thank you!!!