



I'm embedding JRuby in Java, because I need to call some Ruby methods with Java strings as arguments. The thing is, I'm calling the methods like this:

String text = ""; // this can span over multiple lines, and will contain ruby code
Ruby ruby = Ruby.newInstance();
RubyRuntimeAdapter adapter = JavaEmbedUtils.newRuntimeAdapter();
String rubyCode = "require \"myscript\"\n" +
                            "str = build_string(%q~"+text+"~)\n"+
IRubyObject object = adapter.eval(ruby, codeFormat);

The thing is, I don't know what strings I can use as delimiters, because if the ruby code I'm sending to build_string will contain ruby code. Right know I'm using ~,but I think this could break my code. What characters can I use as delimiters to make sure my code will work no matter what the ruby code is?


Since string text contain contain any character, there is no character left to use for quotation escaping like the ~ you're using now. You would still need to escape the tilde in string text in java and append that one to the string you're building.

Something like (untested, not a Java guru):

String rubyCode = "require \"myscript\"\n" +
                            "str = build_string(%q~" + text.replaceAll("~", "\\~") + "~)\n"+
Rutger Nijlunsing
+1  A: 

use the heredoc format:

"require \"myscript\"\n" +
          "str = build_string(<<'THISSHOUDLNTBE'\n" + text + "\nTHISSHOULDNTBE\n)\n"+

this however assumes you won't have "THISSHOULDNTBE" on a separate line in the input.

I'll generate a string with the heredoc begin and end.