It is obviously true that you would need at least N input controls to get an input of N input values. However, if N is sufficiently large, it is quite possible to mess things up and make it unusable by lack or organization.
For example, imagine how confusing it would be if you had a large order form, and your home address zip code was between the credit card expiration data and the shipping method.
There are a lot of resources about how to organize forms (many good ones from before the period of the web; organizing a printed form is also an art).
In my opinion, the most important things are:
1) Organize into clear visible sections, so the reader immediately know where to go or have a general idea of what information he would have to provide.
2) Take Hick's law into account - Organization can help search. You wouldn't put your "print" command under the edit menu or put all the commands in one long pull-down menu. Think about where you place every input.
3) Make it easy to see what things are optional and what the expected format is. Don't wait for the validation to show the user that he needs a 9 digit zip code.
4) Organize inputs in the same section so that you can perhaps do auto-fill. For example, if I put a 5 digit zip code or a state, automatically pick US for me. Attempt to fill details from zip code, etc.
5) Use the correct input widgets. If there are four options, don't let the user type, put a clear box.
6) Test on various displays.
7) Save forms while they're being filled so that user can continue if session crashes.