



I'm developing a set of applications for use creating games in XNA. Using Graphics.drawImage I can easily draw a preview image from an XNA texture2D object.

Each object, eg Character, Map etc, is made up of a List of parts, each part storing information such as position rotation and texture source. The next step is to render a preview of the entire object instead of just a part.

How would I go about this? Can I just treat Graphics.drawImage as a regular XNA draw call and render the section of the object I want to a bitmap by looping through the List and drawing each item to the bitmap in position and in order? Or does each graphics.DrawImage call destroy the Bitmap it draws to?


Is this what you're looking for?

   Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(100, 100);
   Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
   Bitmap bar = Properties.Resources.Bar;
   bar.MakeTransparent(bar.GetPixel(0, 0));

As long as the Images are transparent (Which you can do at run-time with calls to Bitmap.MakeTransparent()), you can layer things with multiple calls to DrawImage without them "destroying" the bitmap.


Sounds about right. I have a set of Texture2D xna objects, each of which stores its path to file. Using Image.FromFile() i use this path to create Image objects then I need to draw sections of the image, using Graphics.DrawImage() and a Rectangle describing the section, to a Graphics object. From here can I just make multiple g.DrawImage() calls in a Back to Front order.

Since Texture2D, and Image for that matter, can cope with transparency and my tex sources are all PNG format, I assume I can use the Image class instead of the Bitmap class and save having to the MakeTransparent call, correct?