



Possible Duplicate:
How to find out size of session in ASP.NET from web application?


Is there any way to know the memory size occupied by session variables in application?

Thanks, P.Gopalakrishnan.

+1  A: 

(marked wiki re duplicate; I was going to delete, but some things may be useful)

It will vary on the provider; for the in-memory state provider, you way as well ask "how big is an object/graph" - and the answer is... tricky at best. However, there are other providers, that typically use BinaryFormatter to serialize the data to a database etc. And it is then relatively easy to measure - either as part of your real system, or by just running it through BinaryFormatter yourself.

However, the real question is: are you seeing a problem? Sometimes, using a non-trivial amount of memory is fine and normal. Of course, relying on in-memory session (when IIS does app-pool recycling regularly) may be inadvisable...

Marc Gravell
Yes, I have the problem that session [mode: InProc] is getting expired frequently even the timeout property has been set to 120 minutes. I think this problem is due to recycling the worker process by IIS.


Jack B Nimble
Thanks - I hadn't seen that dup; I've closed as dup and flagged my answer "wiki" in response.
Marc Gravell