You need to pause the graph after you have rendered the graph. After that you can change the frame you want to show using SetPositions.
Something like this:
int ShowFrame(long lFrame)
if (FAILED(m_pMC->Pause()))
return -1;
LONGLONG llUnknown = 0;
LONGLONG llTime = LONGLONG(m_lFrameTime) * lFrame + m_lFrameTime / 2;
GUID TimeFormat;
if (FAILED(m_pMS->GetTimeFormat(&TimeFormat))) return -1;
llUnknown = llTime;
if (FAILED(m_pMS->ConvertTimeFormat(&llUnknown, &TimeFormat, llTime, &TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME))) return -1;
if (FAILED(m_pMS->SetPositions(&llUnknown, AM_SEEKING_AbsolutePositioning, 0, AM_SEEKING_NoPositioning))) return -1;
return 0;
m_lFrameTime is the time per one frame, you can get in your custom renderer. When video renderer pin is connected you can get the VIDEOINFO::AvgTimePerFrame on that pin.