I have a class with a property that gets set by another class. Inside this property setter the program blows up.
I just need to know what class actually set the property.
I thought I could just look at the stacktrace, but because I am using INotifyPropertyChanged I think it doesn't give me the full information I am looking for.
Here is the stack trace if this helps:
MyProject!MyProject.MyClass.MyProperty.set(string value = "") Line 24 C#
[Native to Managed Transition]
[Managed to Native Transition]
System.Windows.dll!System.Windows.CLRPropertyListener.Value.set(object value = "") + 0x58 bytes
System.Windows.dll!System.Windows.PropertyAccessPathStep.Value.set(object value = "") + 0x28 bytes
System.Windows.dll!System.Windows.PropertyPathListener.LeafValue.set(object value = "") + 0x28 bytes
System.Windows.dll!System.Windows.Data.BindingExpression.UpdateValue() + 0x26c bytes
System.Windows.dll!System.Windows.Data.BindingExpression.TargetTextBoxLostFocus(object sender = {System.Windows.Controls.TextBox}, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e = {System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs}) + 0x55 bytes System.Windows.dll!System.Windows.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler(int typeIndex = 160, System.Delegate handlerDelegate = {System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler}, object sender = {System.Windows.Controls.TextBox}, object args = {System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs}) + 0x6b3 bytes System.Windows.dll!MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(System.IntPtr unmanagedObj = 173934552, System.IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs = 273432032, int argsTypeIndex = 160, string eventName = "M@2910") + 0x335 bytes