I am trying to make vim portable by statically compiling it and then using my own vimrc and plugins and stuff that lives in my portable directory...
I have recently used vi omnicomplete plugin that says to install it in ~/.vim/ directory... It works fine...
but i want my portable vim to locate the omnicomplete plugin from the current working directory that happens to be my vim portable dir... which is not working if i just install the omnicomplete plugin folders to the current working directory...
vim either in usr/bin or my portable one happens to be searching the omnicomplete stuff from the default ~/.vim/ dir which i dont want because my aim is to make it really portable..
i was able to use my custom vimrc and all the plugins from /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin just by copying it to my pwd and then setting up the VIM and VIMRUNTIME env vars to pwd
but the same trick isnt working with omnicomplete plugin..
any help is really appreciated.