I am trying to compare cloud computing (on EC2) against traditional hosting on the following grounds to determine whether any of these features present unique benefits in the world of cloud computing versus more traditional hosting strategies:
- Real-time monitoring
- Server virtualization
- Deployment automation
- High performance computing
- On-demand elasticity
As far as I can see, (1) monitoring is just as easy in both areas; (2) server virtualization is also present in both areas thanks to server farms which allow traditional hosts to beef up resources at will - and of course the same applies in the cloud; (3) deployment can be equally automated in both areas since the same tools often can be applied to both; (4) in the area of high performance computing maybe you get an extra boost from the cloud theoretically but I'm not so sure - you have to pay for that boost whether it's the cloud or not; (5) elasticity is the only real benefit that i can see of moving to the cloud - resources can be pumped up at the flick of a switch.
So my question is, is this really the only benefit of cloud computing from this list that offers a real benefit over traditional hosting or is my analysis flawed?