
Ruby Command Line: How can I send the CTRL-C command via text in the command line?

Hi, I am trying to create a simple Automator droplet that will take the style.less file dropped into it and run the following LESS command on it: $ LESSC {DROPPED_FILE} --watch which will monitor the file I have dropped in for any changes and will then automatically update the outputted style.css FYI: I am using LESS to have dynamical...

Rolling back identifiers NHibernate

I would like to get NHibernate to roll back the identifier of any entities saved during a transaction if the transaction is aborted. I am using NHibernate 2.1.0, and it doesn't do this by default. I came up with the following solution, which works up to a point: public class RevertIdentifiersEventListener : DefaultSaveEventListener { ...

Calling Abort on a HttpWebRequest asynchronous POST

Wondering... I have a test whereby calling abort on a HttpWebRequest asynchronous GET requests seems to make the request abort and return the relevant status code. However for POST requests, calling Abort does not have the same effect. It appears to continue processing the request regardless. Is this by design or am I doing something wro...

.NET Thread.Abort again

Again I want to talk about safety of the Thread.Abort function. I was interested to have some way to abort operations which I can't control really and don't want actually, but I want to have my threads free as soon as possible to prevent thread thirsty of my application. So I wrote some test code to see if it's possible to use Thread.A...

Replacing aborts() for unresolved errors in iPhone/CoreData

I have quite a few places in my iPhone application with a line like this: if (![context save:&error]) { /* Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately. abort() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may...

What happens to my ajax request after window unload

Hi, what happens to my syn/asyn XMLHttpRequest (IE) when the page unload but the request is still on his way? Is it meaningful to bind to the $(window).unload and call the .abort() method for my request object? The problem is that in some cases the page loads and unloads very fast and in some cases the good old IE 6 freezes for at ...

Thread Abort in .NET

I have a thread thats analyzing a file and making transactional calls to the database, each transaction has a audit entry as part of its transaction. Is there anything vastly wrong with calling Thread.Abort() to stop the processing of the file? Rather than scatter ugly safe spots everywhere? The file will be closed after the Abort call...

Response.Redirect results in "Object moved to here"

I'm working on a C# ASP.NET page that normally ends up redirecting to a "file:" URL. This seems to work fine the majority of the time, in the majority of circumstances, but occasionally (and, on my test system, apparently always) instead of a redirect to a file I get a page with the text "Object moved to here", where "here" is a link to ...

Can you abort a set procedure of a property

I am programming in C#.NET. It is possible to abort the set procedure of a class property without throwing an exception? Here is what I want to do... public int RandomProperty { set { DialogResult answer = new DialogResult(); answer = MessageBox.Show("This process could take up to 5 min. Are you sure you want to conti...

Can a ThreadAbortException be raised during Thread.Sleep ?

Can Thread.Abort interrupt a thread that is sleeping (using, say, Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromDays(40)) ? Or will it wait until the sleep time span has expired ? (Remarks: FromDays(40) is of course a joke. And I know Thread.Abort is not a recommended way to stop a thread, I'm working with legacy code that I don't want to refactor for now....

xmlHttpRequest abort() method does not close the connection in Internet Explorer

I have multiple xmlHttpRequests on my page, and I am attempting to call the abort method on them all. Works great in FF. IE, on the other hand does not do a darn thing. The connections do not close, and I am unable to navigate to another page until the requests complete. What is this? Why doesn't IE close the connections when abort() is ...

PHP: ignore_user_abort(true) in all scripts

I have a website which works with PHP on the server side. Users access pages and PHP does some calculations, writes data to a MySQL database etc. Imagine a user accesses a page where PHP creates an account for the user. The creation consists of two parts: inserting the registration data into the table "users" and inserting settings for...

Setting exit status when creating core dump

For example calling exit(100) would exit the application with status 100, and calling raise(SIGABRT) aborts the application with status 134 while creating a core dump. But what if I want the core dump with status 100 or any other arbitrary value. How can I do that ? I know there are several signals that triggers a core dump, but they see...

In .NET when Aborting Thread, can this piece of code get corrupted?

Little intro: In complex multithreaded aplication (enterprise service bus ESB), I need to use Thread.Abort, because this ESB accepts user written modules which communicates with hardware security modules. So if this module gets deadlocked or hardware stops responding - i need to just unload this module and rest of this server aplicatio...

Abort call to unmanaged DLL

I have an unmanaged DLL with a function that can run for a long time if the input parameter is a large value, sometimes that is desirable but not always. How can I in c# call this function so that I can abort it when needed? So far I have tried to put the call in a separate thread, but neither interrupt nor abort seem to stop the proce...

How to abort iPhone's NSXMLParser wait

When init the NSXLParser as below: NSXMLParser* xmlParser=[[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlstring]]; if the server is down, it will wait for quite some time before the thread returns. It is really annoying even if I exit the application and restart the application, it will continue to wait with a blac...

How to catch an exception thrown in ctypes?

I am working with some C code called from Python using ctypes. Somewhere in the bowels of the C library, an exception is occurring and/or abort() is being called. Is there any way I can catch this in my Python caller code? (Platform is Linux) ...

Thread does not abort on application closing

I have an application which does some background task (network listening & reading) in separate Thread. It seems however that the Thread is not being Terminated/Aborted when I close the application (click "x" button on titlebar ;)). Is that because the main Thread routine is while(true) {...} ? What is the solution here? I was looking fo...

C# Threads.Abort()

If a thread is running a function func1 that calls another function func2 inside it... Then I called thread.Abort() Will this stop func1 only OR func1 and func2 and all the functions func1 has called?? Thanks Edit: Here are more detail: func1 is called in a new thread, it continuously calls func2 on regular basis... func2 begin do...

Trigger jQuery's ajaxStop event when aborted calls exist

I've used jQuery's ajaxSend and ajaxStop to show a spinner whenever ajax requests are active. It works except when some of my plugins abort their ajax requests, ajaxStop does not trigger and will not trigger until after the page is refreshed. It seems like the aborted request still counts to jQuery. Can I make ajaxStop trigger or is ther...