
Unicode issues with acts_as_taggable_on_steroids

I'm implementing a blog with tags with some French characters. My question has to do with how to deal with spaces and unicode (utf-8) characters in the url. let's say I have a tag called: ohlàlà! and I have the following code in my tag cloud: <%= link_to h(, { :controller => :blog, :action => :tag, :id => h(

not able to display acts_as_taggable_on tags on ruby on rails (and formtastic!)

Given As the User, I am at a nested new vendors/5/reviews/new. In addition to :params that will get written to the Review model, I need to be able to include tags that belong to the Vendor model. I have used acts_as_taggable_on ( class Vendor.... acts_as_taggable_on :tags, :competito...

how do I generate a tag cloud in acts_as_taggable_on ?

I can't debug why I am getting an error: class VendorsController < ApplicationController def tag_cloud @tags = Vendor.tag_counts_on(:tags) end I set this class as Taggable: class Vendor < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable_on :tags, :competitors I include the TagsHelper: module VendorsHelper include TagsHelper end T...

how do I add a second parameter to the tags in acts_as_taggable_on_steroids plugin

In my Rails application I am trying to use the acts_as_taggable_on_steroids plugin but it is falling short a little bit. I would like to add a second parameter to each tag that describes what it is tagging. Not the class, I understand that is recorded in the taggings join table. For example, if I were to tag an interview, I would give it...