
How should I monitor potential threats to my site?

By looking at our DB's error log, we found that there was a constant stream of almost successful SQL injection attacks. Some quick coding avoided that, but how could I have setup a monitor for both the DB and Web server (including POST requests) to check for this? By this I mean if there are off the shelf tools for script-kiddies, are t...

Good Starting Places for SQL Server Alerts/Notifications?

Just recently started having issues with a SQL Server Agent Job that contains a SSIS package to extract production data and summarize it into a separate reporting database. I think that some of the Alerts/Notifications settings I tried playing with caused the problem as the job had been running to completion unattended for the previous...

How do I put a link to a webpage in a JScript Alert dialog box?

I would like to put a link to a webpage in an alert dialog box so that I can give a more detailed description of how to fix the error that makes the dialog box get created. How can I make the dialog box show something like this: There was an error. Go to this page to fix it. Thanks. ...

Do you know some good programming songs for monitoring purpose ?

[Community wiki] Monitoring a production platform is of the utmost importance for our organization. (and I am not talking about an exe on a single platform, but rather a farm of 2 or 3 thousands servers (PC-Linux-Solaris), for various financial processing purposes) However, the various monitoring tools have so many sound alerts it is no...

Javascript close alert box

I want to be able to close an alert box automatically using javascript after a certain amount of time or on a specific event (i.e. onkeypress). From my research, it doesn't look like that's possible with the built-in alert() function. Is there a way to override it and have control over the dialog box that it opens? Also, I don't want ...

How can I return a value from GM_xmlhttprequest?

I have this code here: var infiltrationResult; while(thisOption) { var trNode = document.createElement('tr'); var tdNode = document.createElement('td'); var hrefNode = document.createElement('a'); infPlanetID = thisOption.getAttribute('value'); var myURL = "

SQL Alert when stored procedure executes for too long

I would like to set up a SQL Server 2008 Alert to notify me when any procedure executes for 1 second or longer (just an example). Any ideas? EDIT: Okay, it seems this is not possible. But, just to nudge you in another direction, I know that there are statistics tables in the master database which hold compilation counts, number of cal...

FLEX: Programmatically remove Alert?

I need to programmatically remove an alert. This is why: My application uses BrowserManager to enable deep linking based off of the content in the #hash part of the url. If an alert is currently up, and the user hits the back button, the application will revert back to its previous state. But the Alert will still be up, and in many case...

Bug in AlertView on iPhone?

I write a piece of code to "do something->show alert1->do something->show alert2". //do something UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Alert 1" message:nil delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil]; [alert show]; [alert re...

Disable Yes button in FLEX

Hi, I would like to disable Yes button in an Alert box. Is this possible? Thanks in advance. ...

Asp.Net AlertBox code behind page???

I have a buttonfield in a gridview. When the button is clicked the RowCommand function gets called. I need to pop up an alert box to make the user confirm their choice. I am pretty sure there is an HtmlInputButton involved but I kind of just need the syntax. After that, how do you know whether they confirmed? ...

Why a pop-up alert can affect "designMode"?

I was expreimenting to build a page editor. One issue just drove me crazy in firefox. The page code is below: <body> <iframe WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200 id="myEditor"></iframe> <script> function getIFrameDocument(sID){ // if contentDocument exists, W3C compliant (Mozilla) if (document.getElementById(sID).contentDocument){ ... Webform Display Alert and redirect.

Hi all, I'm currently stuck. I have a webform with a button that registers or saves a record. What i'd like to is have it display a javascript alert and then redirect to a page. Here is the code i am using protected void Save(..) { // Do save stuff DisplayAlert("The changes were saved Successfully"); Response.Redirect("D...

How to stop javascript alert from showing after pressing ok

I want to show an alert if I have something in my Facebook inbox. I think it can be easily accomplished using userscripts... this is what I have so far (thanks to the guys at the userscripts forums): document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function() { var count; if ((count=parseInt(document.getElementById("fb_menu_inbox_unread...

Accessing and setting iPhone's alarm / User alert on timed interval

Are there any way to access or set iphone's alarm? Im assuming if this isn't available, the only other way is push notification to alert the user on a timed interval. Any ideas? ...

Windows: How to display a non-blocking Alert/Confirmation window?

I want to realize a simple confirmation/alert box which can be called using a Windows XP/Vista batch script by CLI. The standard alert box seems to be blocking which means that the whole batch script will stop at the time of the alert window call which is NOT what I want. If it needs to be coded, please supply an example or documentati...

How do I prevent a canvas opened from a PopUpButton from closing when it loses focus?

I have a popup button that launches a canvas containing a form that a user can submit. I'm validating this form and displaying an alert when the validation fails. As soon as the user clicks 'OK' on the alert, the canvas launched from the PopUpButton loses focus and closes automatically (its default behavior). PopUpButton._closeOnActivity...

if i make a mistake in code and cause an infinite loop in javascript and it keeps on calling alert(), is there a way out to stop the loop?

sometimes i use debug code to alert something in javascript (for example, matching something in regular expression), but forget a modifier and and the alert is in an infinite loop (or if the loop matches the pattern 300 times). If using Firefox, the alert keeps on coming out, and there is no way to even close the tab, the window, or the...

How to create a daily summary alert for any change in a SharePoint site

I recently got the requirement for a person to receive a daily summary alert for any change within a SharePoint site; each site has an owner who is in charge of the content on their site. The current way we have something working is to automatically set up alerts for every list/library within the site. // Get the Lists on this Site SPL...

What are valid SPAlert EventTypeBitmask values?

According to many blogs on the internet when creating a SharePoint alert (SPAlert) from code you have to specify values for both the EventType and the EventTypeBitmask. However, I cannot find any explanation about the values of EventTypeBitmask. I created some alerts using the SharePoint web GUI and inspected the EventTypeBitmask values ...