
Android TabHost

Hi All, I want to make an Tab Activity. which consists of 3 tabs. but when i create an project with Android 2.2 and API 8 then in Main.XML its showing an null pointer exception. but when i change it to API 4 or 5 den it is showing the layout of tabs. and one more thing i want to clarify is when we create an project we need to specify B...

Android Tabhost Problem - .setIndicator

Hello, First let me clarify that i have already referred the SO question related to "Android - TAbhost". I have done googling about "Android Tabhost" but failed to find the solution. My problem is: If are having <3 tabs then it is fine. but Supporse if we are having 4 tabs with indicator title as TabHost1, TabHost2, TabHost3, TabHos...

Android Tabs & Intents

Hello all, I have a auto-complete textbox in which the user makes a selection. From here I want to load a tabbed layout which is based on the user selection. The problem is I cant figure out a clean way to pass that selection to each of the tabs. At the moment I can pass an intent to the 'tabhost' activity and then pass to each child ac...

Get index of selected tab in tabHost

I'm trying to store the index of the currently selected tab in onSaveInstanceState so I can restore it. However the getCurrentTab apparantely gives me back the String I used in the etTabHost().newTabSpec, which I find a bit weird since the documentation says it returns an int and setCurrentTab also taking an int. Does anyone know how I c...

How to implement double TapActivity in android?

Hi I want to make an android application which has two tap in one view ,i.e, has upper tab and lower tab. According to selection of lower tab, I add the new tab host(for upper tab) in the tapcontent part of lower tab. But, upper tap doesn't go up, it stick to the lower tab. The implementation of upper tab is, import

How to keep the header of a Tab in a SubActivity?

Hey, i've got this Tabhost: TabHost tabHost = getTabHost(); TabHost.TabSpec spec; Intent intent; /** Initialization Tab1 */ intent = new Intent(this, Tab1.Class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("Tab1").setIndicator("Tab1").setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); /** Initial...

Admob ads will not display when placed inside a tabview

I've been trying to get my ads to display in this type of layout. Tabs -> LinearLayout -> ListView -> header. The header is set via addHeaderView and is displaying normally. If I were to move the ads anywhere else they display normally (so its not a setup issue). Using ads in the header of a listview works fine in my other projects. So ...

tabactivity cannot work,but my code not mistake

main.xml: <tabwidget android:id="@android:id/tabs" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/> <framelayout android:id="@android:id/tabcontent" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" > <linearlayout android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_pare...

TabHost color changed between Android versions

Hi, i've noticed that the default look of tabs has changed between Android versions (see screenshot). I like the first version better, but i need to set my android target to version 8 (android 2.2) so that app2sd works. but then i have the darker backgrounds. how can i switch to the old one? setting the background color manually produce...

Custom tabs in android

I'm having a really hard time understanding how to use custom tabs in android. I don't want to just be able to set the text and stuff. How can I change the size, and the image, and all that. I've googled and I can't find anything that makes sense ...

When to use the tab sizes?

Hello I have a TabHost activity, and I have to use the tabs position. The problem is that I don't know when the layout is initialized. I've tried to use the onPostCreate, onResume and onStart methods, but the tab's sizes are 0, every time. Thanks in advance! ...

Tabs in Android 1.5 all styled the same - is there a solution, or can I apply custom styles to tabs in 1.5?

I'm trying to create a simple 2 tab interface for an Android application, and this is proving to be a bigger pain than I would have thought. Testing my application in Android 1.5 (SDK 3), both tabs appear white, as if they are both focused. This problem does not occur in more recent SDK versions. Here is the code I am using: TabbedInt...

Can I Make tabs transparent

Hi, I have four tabs in my main screen of my app using tabhost which contains four listviews. Is it possible to make these tabs transparent so I can use a background image for the tabs to sit on top. If so how would I go about it, and canm it be done with the code I have. public class Tabs extends TabActivity { @Override public void...

tab bar hiding issue android

Hi.. I'm new to android,I'm using tabHost adding some tabs to it,its working quite fine but when i rotate my device in landscape mode it also work there fine but i don't need tab bar there because it covers much space and i also have google ads so both of them cover half of the screen and leave a little space for user to interact.All i n...