
Android - Get All Contacts from All Sources

Hello. I have been attempting to make an Android application, built against 2.0, that requires getting all of the user's contacts and displaying them in a formatted way. I have been able to get a list using a Cursor and the ContactsContract.Contacts class. However, the list I get from that provider only gives me the contacts that are e...

Use URL to show new activity?

Inside my app, I was wondering if it was possible to make a certain URL in a WebView, when clicked, to redirect to a new activity view outside of the WebView? Thanks! ...

Android - Failed to find provider info for in MapView Example

hi! im trying to implement MapView example which is defined on Android Hello Views example but now im facing Failed to find provider info for error... Any idea why this is happening??? ...

How to make app retrieve information from a web site?

I am developing an app that needs to retrieve information from my web site when a user pushes a button, but I have no idea how can I do that! Thanks ...

ensure visible on android listview?

Is there a way that I can makle sure a given item in an android listview is entirely visible? I'd like to be able to programmatically scroll to a specific item, like when I press a button for example. ...

WebView not Loading Data?

I'm trying to load the parsed html data from an rss feed using a WebView, but the webview claims that the page: "data:text/html;utf-8,[The html I'm trying to display]" is not available. I find it strange that it seems to be putting the html data into the url, when I just want it to display it. Here's my code right now for the webvi...

Android SQLiteException: no such column: -1

One of my android apps performs the following specific SQLite query: SELECT _id, hourMin, actions FROM profiles WHERE type=2 AND hourMin > -1 AND days & 8 != 0 AND prof_id >> 16 IN (256) ORDER BY hourMin ASC LIMIT 1 Now that works on some Android phones, but on a few of them it crashes with the following error: android.database.sqlit...

Java: How to create an array of objects which include arrays?

Hi, I would like to create a list objects called Product (Listproducts) where Product includes the following members: public class Product { private Double price; private String title; private String description; private List<Point>points; ... } Point is another object which includes latitude and longitude: public class Point{ Doub...

Is there a view for a button bar? (Image link describing the view)

I am looking for a view or some sort of information regarding the bottom bar in default applications of Android such as Email, or Unlock pattern as shown in the picture below. I have not been able find anything about this on Androids site nor from Google searches. Image: ...

Button to show virtual keyboard?

I have a ListView and it is possible to use the hardware keyboard to filter out items. However what should I do for phones that don't have a hardware keyboard and only a virtual one? Is there a way to add a button that when pressed, the virtual keyboard shows up? ...

Android: Can I use a Broadcast Receiver for periodic GPS location sampling without running a service?

I would like to sample my GPS location periodically, say, every 10 minutes. I'm assuming that the best way to do this would be to use the LocationManager class with the method: public void requestLocationUpdates (String provider, long minTime, float minDistance, PendingIntent intent) That would broadcast the specified intent that I ...

Android intentoptions for SMS standard app and EMail standard app

Is it possible to add a option to the sms and email app of android? I want to add a option who call my activity and send me the sms text or email text. Is it possible? ...

Android: Delete app associated files from external storage on Uninstall?

It'd be convenient if an application I'm writing stored some files to external storage permanently (so they persist after the application has been exited[destroyed]), but on an uninstall I'd like to do the decent thing and have these files removed to free up the storage. Is there any way I can have these files removed on an uninstall? ...

How do I use ResourceCursorTreeAdapter with expanded and collapsed group views in Android?

How do I use the ResourceCursorTreeAdapter with the following constructor? ResourceCursorTreeAdapter(Context context, Cursor cursor, int collapsedGroupLayout, int expandedGroupLayout, int childLayout) I'm trying to use a it as follows: _resultsCursorTreeAdapter = new ResourceCursorTreeAdapter(_resultsList.getContext(), _dbAdapter.get...

nested AlertDialogs in android

I'm trying to display an AlertDialog inside of another AlertDialog. When the user clicks on the any item within the initial AlertDialog another AlertDialog is created and shown. I'm following the correct pattern for creating and displaying AlertDialogs, the problem is as soon as the code reaches the point where the m...

Android: How to get location information from intent bundle extras when using LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates()

I am trying to use Android's LocationManager requestLocationUpdates. Everything is working until I try to extract the actual location object that in my broadcast receiver. Do I need to specifically define the "extras" to my custom intent so that the Android LocationManager before I pass it to requestLocationUpdates so it knows how to a...

How to pass XML document to XMLReader?

Hi, I created an application which reads an xml document from url address. Lately the logic has been modified and now instead of receiving the url address of the XML document I receive the document content itself so I have to modify the following method: public List<Product> getProducts(String content){ List<Product> products = new...

Android WebView wrap-content

Hi Friend... a simple question... Is it possible to Load a URL in a webView and resize it to fit the screen... i Mean i want to make the WebPage small so that the user doesnt need to scroll... IS it possible???? ...

Is android registration necessery for development of android application?

Is android registration necessery for development of android application? I am planning to develop application for android phones but dont know registration benefits & scopes for selling your application. ...

How to change emulator screen orientation?

How do we change emulator screen orientation to landscape or portrait? ...