
ASP.NET MVC, ActionFilters, static classes and passing data around...

I'd like to hear your opinions and maybe better suggestions for the following scenario: I have define a custom ActionFilter that does some job and comes out with some value. I would like to use that value in controller actions and in models. Now, I could use TempData to pass this value from the ActionFilter to any controller action met...

Project architecture, using DDD

Requirements Project should contain 1 main application and some secondary sub applications (which uses the same domain objects, has some shared services, but has some slightly different too - unneeded for main app, therefore - should be separated). There should exist shared search service (probably, in different DLL) over most of the ...

Basic Game Archecture Question

Hey Folks, I'm building a simple 2d game,and I'm wondering if some better coders than I can suggest a good way to design its basic architecture. The game is pretty simple. There are many types of units on the screen which shoot, move, and perform hit detection. The screen zooms in and out, and there is a menu UI bar on the side of the s...

Which projects do you include in your solutions

How do you commonly lay out your solutions in Visual Studio? Recently, I've kept the BLL, DAL and presentation in different classes and planned to add a test solution as I learn TDD. However, after recently watching a video from Rob Conery and viewing a project from an external contractor, I noticed a theme of multiple projects in the so...

Securing web application on the data access level

Hello! Please consider the following setup: Multi-tenant webapp. Tenants create company accounts and company accounts have user accounts under them. Users have roles, there's a special role "Owner" (the user who created the company account). I'd like to have users to edit other user accounts (some admin tasks), but two conditions mu...

What types of specific development patterns support agile development?

And the converse: "What type of specific development patterns DO NOT support agile development? To be more concise: I'm not looking for "methodologies" or "theory". I'm talking about specific patterns for writing code in the itterative process that is agile. Obviously, some patterns for development are more taylored to Waterfall. Other...

Why should I isolate my domain entities from my presentation layer?

One part of domain-driven design that there doesn't seem to be a lot of detail on, is how and why you should isolate your domain model from your interface. I'm trying to convince my colleagues that this is a good practice, but I don't seem to be making much headway... They use domain entities where ever they please in the presentation a...

c# (wcf) architecture file and directory structure (and instantiation)

Hello and thanks for any assistance. I have a wcf service that I'm trying to properly modularize. I'm interested in finding out if there is a better way or implementing the file and directory structure along with instanciatation, is there a more appropriate way of abstraction that I may be missing? Is this the best approach? especial...

Data types between the Service (Application/Controller) and UI layers

Consider the common layered architecture of: UIService/Application/ControllerDomainPersistancy What should be the types between the Service and the UI layers? Should the return types of the methods in the Service layer be primitives? Can they be objects from the Domain layer? The motivation: We are building a forum system. Somewhere ...

Transitioning from developing to architecture

Im currently a senior software engineer at a large, well respected (in our field) software house. Unfortunately I've hit a ceiling. The next logical step in my career is to move from designing individual components to what may be described as system engineering/architecture. The problem is that where I work there is a pretty much fixed ...

Enterprise Security Application Block in Conjunction With MembershipProvider in ASP.NET

Looking to implement authentication/authorisation for ASP.NET app Was looking into using Provider model MembershipProvider SQLServerMembershipProvider etc as makes good sense to me. However I'm looking into the Enterprise Security Application block as well. My question is can/should the two be used in tandem? ...

Documenting Web Application Flow / Iteraction

What artifacts / diagrams do use to document the flow of a web application taking into account links between static pages and how dynamic view components (html forms, JSP, Ajax, etc) interact with server-side components (Servlets, Struts actions, etc)? Do use UML diagrams? ...

How to improve my architecture design skills

What are some good ways I can improve my system architecture design skills? I'm particularly interested in designs I can learn from... can anyone shoot out some examples of good design practice, lessons learned, things to guide me? ...

What is the Microsoft Enterprise Application Blocks relationship to the ASP.NET provider model?

What is the Microsoft Enterprise Application Blocks relationship to the ASP.NET provider model? (if any) ...

MySQL: How to get results of stored procedure inside a stored function?

Hello, I have a stored procedure that makes very complex joins and returns 1 row of data (LIMIT 1 is used). In my application I then use that data to make some calculations. This way I try to keep business logic out of stored procedures. But now I need to get that data in another stored function to also make some calculations. The reaso...

Entity metadata storage architecture

We are building a solution for document storage and for each document we need to store a lot of extra metadata with it to comply with local regulations, ranging from basic data like title or description to dates of relevant events or disposition and classification rules. I've seen different types of solutions, but none convinces me: T...

where should datasets reside in a n-tier (multi layered) architecture?

We are currently havin a discussion if dataset should go in the data or business layer? My friend thinks all ADO.NET components should go in data layer. For me this does not seem right for the followin reasons: If you create a fat Data Layer Client, it will be much more difficult to for example migrate everything to a different dat...

Three-Tier architecture and LINQ to Entities

Hello all, For a couple of years, I've been using the three-tier architecture (Presentation, Logic and Data Layer) to write applications. Usually, I am using tools such as .netTiers to generate the data layer and partially the logic layer. Everything is well defined and I love it. I am now constraint to use LINQ to Entites (it appears...

Which is not a reason to create a custom exception?

Hello, Recently I took a test at brainbench and got not a bad result (something like 4.5, master degree). I didn't know the answer only on 1 question (the rest I was sure about or at least I thought I knew the correct answer :) ). The question is: Which one of the following is NOT a reason to create custom exceptions? Choice 1 T...

application architecture draw

Yop I would like to know what guys are using to make diagram of your application/service architecture ? I would like to make diagrams representing the different layer of the whole application and for some parts go deeper (class level) Visio is it a good deal for this? thx in advance. ...