
Architecture decision questions

I need to choose right architecture model for my solution(client-server, web application, web services). Can you please tell me what questions I must answer to make good decision? thanks ...

Architecting a generic search result web control

In a project I'm currently working for we've stumbled upon the need for several kinds of search results presentation controls. The search result are similar, but not identical. For example, in the "office search" result we might want to present the office name and location, while in the "document search" could contain document name, auth...

plug-in architecture based c/c++ application

I need to know how to start writing an application based on plug-in architecture. I mean how to write a base code and let others develop the application by adding the plug-ins they write. I know that there is some problems in doing so in c++. most people use another language such as python to add plug-ins to their c++ application. ...

What Design Pattern is this?

I know that everything we do in programming can be described as design pattern(even abstract method has design pattern called template method) public class Guicer extends AbstractModule { private static Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new Guicer()); public static void setInjector(Injector injector) {

Good recources on a problem decomposition?

Could you please share some good books, blogs, sites on practical problem decomposition, thanks P.S. Please only practical ones not the scientific/theoretical resources. ...

What makes my code DDD (domain-driven design) qualified?

Hi All, I'm new to DDD and am thinking about using this design technique in my project. However, what strikes me about DDD is that how basic the idea is. Unlike other design techniques such as MVC and TDD, it doesn't seems to contain any ground breaking ideas. For example, I'm sure some of you will have the same feeling that the idea ...

Show me your Linq to SQL architectures!

I've been using Linq to SQL for a new implementation that I've been working on. I have about 5000 lines of code and am a little ways from a solid demo. I've been pretty satisfied with Linq to SQL so far -- the tools are excellent and pretty painless and it allows you to get a DAL up and running quickly. That said, there are some major d...

Framework or design pattern for mailing all users of a webapp

My app takes care of user registration (with the option to receive email announcements), and can easily handle the actual template-based rendering of email for a given user. JavaMail provides the mail transport layer. But how should I design the application layer between the business objects (e.g. User) and the mail transport? The strai...

Using blackboard pattern (& implementation) instead of a BPMS?

Hi, we are developing a complex core banking system containing 30+ systems. Because of orchestration and system collaboration, we typically use a BPMS (e.g. Jboss jBPM). Since systems are more independent and volume of human tasks is high (vs. software system operations) and also to gain benefit of async architecture I am looking for oth...

How to design a scalable twitter like service?

Does anyone have any information on the architecture of twitter? A few specific items I'm especially interested in: I know that they use message queues. But what exactly do they use queues for? Do they "duplicate" tweets? If so, how? For example, say a user has 10,000 followers and he makes a tweet "hello world". Does twitter store "...

How to design properly a hierarchy of classes using pointers in C++

Hello, I am trying to improve my knowledge on program architecture and recently arised a question to me which is related with this pointers issues I posted recently. The thing is that in a simple hierarchy in which you have Class A with a pointers to Class B and the last to Class C. Do not confuse the with the inheritage property of th...

How would I implement separate databases for reading and writing operations?

I am interested in implementing an architecture that has two databases one for read operations and the other for writes. I have never implemented something like this and have always built single database, highly normalised systems so I am not quite sure where to begin. I have a few parts to this question. 1. What would be a good resourc...

Asp.Net Program Architecture

I've just taken on a new Asp.Net MVC application and after opening it up I find the following, [Project].Web [Project].Models [Project].BLL [Project].DAL Now, something thats become clear is that there is the data has to do a hell of a lot before it makes it to the View (Database>DAL>Repo>BLL>ConvertToModel>Controller>View). The DA...

Is it possible to use the Spread Toolkit on Amazon EC2?

The Spread Toolkit ( allows for easy distributed messaging using publish-subscribe semantics. Is it possible to use this toolkit on EC2? What other pub-sub message buses can be used on EC2 (other than Amazon's SQS)? ...

Choosing approach for an IM client-server app

Update: totally re-wrote this to be more succint. I'm looking at a new application, one part of which will be very similar to standard IM clients, i.e text chat, ability to send attachments, maybe some real-time interaction like a multi-user whiteboard. It will be client-server, i.e all traffic goes through my central server. That mean...

Architecture choice about representation of collections in Business Objects

I have made certain choices in my architecture which I request the community to review and comment. I am breaking up the post in smaller sections to make it easier to understand the context and then suggest/comment. I am sorry that the post is long, but is required to explain the context. What am I building A typical business applicati...

What difference between web apps and desktop apps should one keep in mind to model the system correctly?

Sometimes it seems like some architectural techniques are not for the Web application I am building and then I just go and code =(, Though I really want to make a habit to architect system before moving to the code, as when I just code I endup writing some useless components which then I rewrite =(, So can you just point out some diffe...

Objective-c design advice for use of different data sources, swapping between test and live

I'm in the process of designing an application that is part of a larger piece of work, depending on other people to build an API that the app can make use of to retrieve data. While I was thinking about how to setup this project and design the architecture around it, something occurred to me, and I'm sure many people have been in simila...

Suggestions for opening the Rails toolbox to design a challenge game?

How would you suggest designing a challenge system as part of a food-eating game so that it's automated as possible? All RoR tools, design patterns and logic are at your disposal (e.g., admin consoles, crontab, arch, etc.). Prize goes to whoever can suggest the simplest and most-automated design! Here are the requirements: User has ma...

Making Java Swing applications persistent

I'd like to add persistence to my Swing-based application; and this is the first time that I'm doing something like that. I know how to use Java serialization APIs (though I'm using xstream instead), I know that JComponent's are serializable, but I'm interested in more architectural considerations: how an application should be designed ...