
Atomikos + Jetty in a Maven build environment - Classloader issue?

I am working on a project with multiple JDBC data sources and JTA. I use Maven as a build tool, and I'd like to use the Jetty plugin (6.1.20) to run the application during development. I am trying to configure Jetty to use Atomikos as the transaction manager. I'm following the Atomikos documentation from Jetty, but the Jetty startup fai...

when to use global transaction Or use spring aop for transaction

Q1. i do understand when we need to deal with multiple databases, we need to use global transaction. but from this post . the person suggested just use spring aop to advise on the different transactionmanager ( more > datasource/sessionfactory). can anyone explain in what kind of situation we ca...

Jetty datasource with Atomikos UserTransaction

I have two datasources in my Web application (principalDB and backupDB) on two Postgresql DBs, and a web container managed transaction manager (with Atomikos) for them. Spring FW and Hibernate are my building blocks for the application. The problem I am running into is that Jetty 6.1.3 web container does not seem to load the app specific...

Prepared transactions with Postgres 8.4.3 on CentOS

I have set 'max_prepared_transactions' to 20 in the local postgres.config and yet the transaction fails with the following error trace (but only on Linux). Since in Windows the same code works seamlessly I am wandering if this isn't an issue of permission. What would be the solution? Thanks Peter 372300 [Atomikos:7] WARN atomikos - XA ...

How to set Atomikos to not write to console logs?

Atomikos is quite verbose when used. There seems to be lots of INFO messages (mostly irrelevant for me) that the transaction manager writes out to the console. The setting in the that is suppose to control the level of messaging com.atomikos.icatch.console_log_level does not seem to have any effect, since even when...

How to remove/hide Atomikos startup error message?

When Atomikos is configured via Spring, a or file is not needed. Nonetheless, Atomikos starts up with the follow messages printed to stderr: No properties path set - looking for in classpath... not found - looking for in classpath... F...

Spring/JTA/JPA DAO integration test doesn't rollback?

My DAO integration tests are failing because entities created during the tests are still in the database at the start of the next test. The exact same behavior is seen from both MySQL 5 and H2. The test classes are annotated with: @Transactional @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration( { "/testPersist-application...

How to move location of Atomikos's tm.out and *.epoch files?

I'm running a J2SE application that uses Atomikos which dumps it's numerous log files to the current directory. I'd like to move the location of these files to "/tmp", but I cannot locate a configuration property that I can set from within my Spring XML config file. The Atomikos documentation references a property: com.atomikos.icatch...

How to set transaction timeout on Jetty JNDI Atomikos configuration

I am in the process of converting various Spring beans to JNDI lookups. Currently I am using Jetty to test this. I have configured the UserTransaction according to the Jetty documentation and it works: <New id="tx" class=""> <Arg> <New class="com.atomikos.icatch.jta.UserTransactionI...