
Read an audio stream during (GSM) phone call

Hello! Is it possible to read an audio stream during (GSM) phone call? I would like to write an encoding application, and I do not want to go with SIP&VoIP. Thank you. ...

Open source FSK decoder library?

I'm looking for a library or tool to decode FSK in wav files, e.g. caller id. Currently using the tools bundled with vpb-driver for Voicetronix hardware that is available via debian/ubuntu. But this appears to have an error that I'm trying to debug -- a second tool to validate the audio file would be useful. I'm not looking for any of ...

Is there HTML embeddable audio player which prevents downloading of the audio it plays?

I'm looking for an audio player (like jplayer) which can be embedded in a HTML page which will allow MP3's to be played but not downloaded. The problem: Flash players request the audio file from the server so the URL of the MP3 is present in the HTML source and can be copy/pasted in to the address bar to download the track. This will i...

how to programming for play .wav file on iPhone

I used this code for play .wav file. yes! it OK when I open file name open.wav but! with other file I can't play pleas help me. //[self playASound:@"open.wav"]; [self playASound:@"kang.wav"]; AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion(soundID, NULL, NULL, endSound, NULL); //** -(void) playASound: (NSString *) file { NSString *path = [NS...

Playing sound with MediaPlayer getting exceptions

hi. im developing an android app with netbeans. and i'm trying to play sound with MediaPlayer mp; mp = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.a); mp.start(); there is a file named "a.mp3" in the res/raw directory. but for some reason i'm getting file not found on line 2. What could be the problem ? thanks ...

iPhone - How to convert aiff audio files into aac?

I'm developing an iphone app that records audio, right now it records aiff files, I need to convert these files to aac... any idea how to do this? ...

decode an mp3 to a stream of ints.

I'm looking for an easy to use lib that will convert an MP3 file to a sequence of int values (and the reverse), preferable without having to dump them all into RAM. A "decode the next 16kB into this buffer" like API would be ideal. I need C or simple C++ bindings. A MP3<->RAW filter CLI tool would work but I'd rather not have to keep u...

beep sound in python audiolab

How do i generate a gentle "beep" sound in python audiolab, without the use of external .wav files? I found the following example to generate random noise: play(0.05 * np.random.randn(2, 48000)) Unfortunately i do not have enough knowledge of audio representations to create a beep (of a certain frequency) and i have no idea where to f...

iPhone web-app: HTML5 database and audio files

I'm having issues with audio files on the iPhone web-app. Seems as each time an audio file is played, it's loaded first then played, even if repeating the same audio on a page that hasn't refreshed (done via javascript). From what I've research manifest files would be great but they are for offline application. I'm now researching HTML5 ...

Flac samples calculation

Hi, I have a cuesheet from EAC and a FLAC file with the full album in. Im trying to make a little python script to play the file, there for i need to be able to set the position where to start in the flac file. How do i get from the CueSheet format MM:SS:FF to samples? ...

How can I present live audio data (updating buffer) as an audio file in C

Hi I am recieving live audio as floating points in an updating array. I want this live data to present as a file that can b read by vlc media player. Can someone guide me how can I do that in C language? /mudassar ...

Playing Speex audio in RIFF-WAV container on Mac OS X

There are speex audio embeded in RIFF-WAV container (The files obtained in Windows system through encoding using Speex ACM codec, WAVEFORMATEX.wFormatTag = 41225 (0xA109) is used). Now I need to write an application, that will play such wav files. I just started to learn programming under Mac OS X, so I am looking for right start points...

Playing local mp3 file with AVAudioPlayer takes too long to start playing?

Hi, I am trying to play large (20-60mb) local mp3 files with AVAudioPlayer however it takes a looong time for the audio to actually start. Sometimes as long as 3-5secs. I have also noticed that it seems to lock up the UI as well so i cant even display some kind of activity indicator. I have tried the prepareToPlay method with no succes...

Image and audio lossless file format

Hello, I know that JPG and MP3 always apply some kind of compression which losses data. Then I have to questions: - Which are the lossless file formats for image, audio and video? - Why, as far as I know, any photocamera does not offer the possibility to store images in a lossless file format? - I know that the data lost is really small...

how get low frequency from DTMF tone

Hi have made one source in python for get fundamental frequecys from audio files, i want use this for get tones from DTMF audios ! but how get the low tones from the audio? thks!! ...

How to access the audio of call manager

Hi I would like to access the audio that my call manager captures while a call is active. I would like to access it before it is transmitted to the other party. Is this possible? ...

Audio Broadcasting

I want to do an i-phone application for broadcast audio LIVE over the internet..Anyone please guide me... ...

What record formats are available in Google Ion not listed in core formats?

Looks like the only way to record something is the narrowband codec at 12kbps and 8khz sample rate. Surely audiorecord isnt limited by these rates is it? Where do I look? HTC sapphire source? ...

can i modify the way an android device captures audio

I would like to sample the data that an android device captures. How can i do this? I want to save this as preference and always give this sampled audio other applications which make use of microphone captured audio, like dialer for example. ...

How do i make my Audio loop in my website?

Here is my code: <div id="div6" style="position: absolute; top: 700px; left: 100px;"> <audio controls="controls; loop:true"> <source src="../media/ChealseSmile.ogg" type="audio/ogg"/> <source src="song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"/> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </div> What do i have to add to the audio code t...