
How to get the next letter of the alphabet in Javascript?

I am build an autocomplete that searches off of a CouchDB View. I need to be able to take the final character of the input string, and replace the last character with the next letter of the english alphabet. (No need for i18n here) For Example: Input String = "b" startkey = "b" endkey = "c" OR Input String = "foo" startkey = "fo...

Override Winforms ComboBox Autocomplete Suggest Rule

Hi, I'm trying to modify the behaviour of a Windows.Forms ComboBox so that the AutoComplete drop down displays items according to the rules I specify. By default, if you use AutoComplete in a ComboBox, the rule that's followed is "string s is included in the drop down if( s.StartsWith( userEnteredTextInTheComboBox) )" All I'm really i...

How might I cause jQuery Autocomplete to display results with images, and no PHP?

I am implementing jQuery Autocomplete and wish to display results with an associated image. Each image has the same name as the predicted result of the autocomplete field. i.e. If someone types "braz" then "brazil" appears with brazil.jpg inline beside it. I'm having trouble implementing this. If anyone can point me in the right direc...

Ajax control toolkit auto complete dropdown vertically misaligned

Ajax control toolkit auto complete dropdown displaying in random vertical positions. Below is the css which I use currently .completionList { background-color: #fff; border: solid 1px #444444; margin: 0px; padding: 2px; height: 100px; overflow: auto; } .listItem { ...

Do browsers support autocomplete for ajax loaded login forms at all?

My problem is, that the browsers' (IE&FF) autocomplete does not work for my login form. I have a webapp with CakePHP & jQuery. To allow visitors to login/register unobtrusively. The login form is inside a div, which is loaded via AJAX. (This enables logging in without a page reload.) The browsers do recognize it as a login field, as th...

How can I change the keybinding used to autocomplete in vim?

I'm not a big fan of Ctrl-n, I'd like to be able to use Ctrl-Space. Any ideas how I can do that? ...

Autocomplete textbox collection

In windows forms a textbox can be made into an autocomplete textbox by giving it a simple list of strings or by giving it a custom source that can only be a AutoCompleteCollection which is a strong typed list of strings. I would like to be able to add a key to each that whenever any suggestion is selected I can grab that key....

YUI3 autocomplete

I think I would like to make the switch from Scriptaculous to YUI. So, the first thing I am trying to do is an autocomplete feature on the front page of my application demo. Every single search I do for this, refers me to YUI2 examples and instructions. These use YAHOO objects instead of YUI objects, and I just don't trust that this i...

how to write a jquery event handler for dependent auto - complete fields ?

I have a form with 2 text fields which get populated using auto complete. Now when I enter some value in form 1 (through autocomplete ), I want the second form field to fetch the auto complete values using text entered in field1 as one of the parameters. Lets say , text 1 < contains car brand names which are auto populated > text 2 < ...

jquery autocomplete input array

Hi there, I have the following code and what I am trying to do is set up an Autocomplete input box that when it is filled out, create another autocomplete input box underneath it. The problem with my code is that since I am using blur, it will create a new input every time I click off of the first one. The second problem is that I nee...

Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry -- how to set inital values

Hi guys, Beginner jquery question. I am using the Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry plugin, with the goal being to create a similar input as the SO Tags feild. I got it pretty much working, but the issue that I am having is that when I edit my Story model (/stories/1/edit) the tags field appears blank (I guess the plugin makes a bra...

load doesn't trigger ajaxSetup complete handler on complete

Hi. I have // Ajax setup $.ajaxSetup({ beforeSend: function() { $('#general-ajax-load ').fadeIn(); }, complete: function() { $('#general-ajax-load ').fadeOut(); } }); on page load to set loading animation for all my ajax calls. It works perfect, except for load() calls. For loads only beforeSend is triggered, and complete nev...

How-to build AutoComplete / Suggestions with Lucene.NET ?

How-to build AutoComplete / Suggestions with Lucene.NET ? ...

Comma or semicolon-delimited AutoComplete TextBox

I would like to have a TextBox that supports AutoComplete and lets users type multiple words separated by a comma or semicolon, offering suggestions for each word. I have a standard TextBox with textBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource.AddRange(new[] { "apple", "banana", "carrot" }); textBox.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; t...

Android 2 line AutoCompleteTextView dropdown

I am writing an Android app that uses an AutoCompleteTextView just like the API example. The problem is that my text is too long and needs to wrap when the dropdown occurs. I have a custom list_item.xml, but only one line of text displays. The list_item.xml layout wraps to 2 lines if used with a spinner, but not with the AutoCompleteT...

jQuery Autocomplete Plugin -- Handling non-matching value with result handler

I'm trying to figure out how to get the jQuery Autocomplete plugin to handle a non-matching value. When there's a match, I'd like to submit the form (this part works) and when there isn't a match, I'd like to display an error message. The if (data) part works. Shouldn't the 'else' portion of my if statement execute when a non-match is...

Text Macros in XCode not working?

Noob xcoder here and for some reason i cannot get the text macros to expand within xcode. For example if i type ifelse and then hit ^. it doesnt automatically expand the macro?? Likewise if i type fo and then ^. it will complete it to either for,fori etc, and will also pop up those options if i hit escape however i cannot get it to expan...

Autocomplete and text pasting / middle deletion

I'm building an autocompletion system in jQuery, and I want to know the best way to deal with text pasting and deletion from the middle or beginning of the query. I would rather not reparse the whole query for each keystroke, as my parsing takes a significant amount of time to parse the whole query as opposed to additionally parsing just...

jQuery + Facebook style status update textbox - Autocomplete links to profiles

I have a social networking website with a status update textbox, much like facebook. However I would also like the user to be able to type the @ symbol while typing a new status which brings up an autocomplete option of friends profiles (again the same as facebook does). When the user selects one it should be included in the status as ...

XCode Semicolon after Autocomplete

When using autocomplete to fill in method arguments, most of the time there should be a semicolon at the end. It seems like there must be some keyboard shortcut to put in the semicolon (and maybe a newline) at the end but I can't find it! Thanks. edit: Maybe the question isn't clear, when finishing an autocomplete method the cursor lo...