
DataGridView Autogeneratecolumns as TextBox instead of label

How can I have a datagridview that will autogenerate a textbox instead of a label? ...

Change Order of columns

I am using gridView. I have 4 auto generated columns and 1 generated by my self. Now the column which i have generated is displayed first and then the auto generated columns. I want to display auto generated columns first then my generated column. ...

C# Datagridview - Turn off AutoGenerateColumns when binding to XML file?

I am binding an XML file to a DataGridView. I don't want the columns to be auto-generated, in fact I want to generate them myself. Is there a way of turning off the auto generating columns feature and be able to programmatically create the columns myself? ...

Programatically add ValidationRules to WPF DataGrid when autogenerating columns

I want to do this in the AutoGeneratingColumn event: <my:DataGridTextColumn Header="CompanyName"> <my:DataGridTextColumn.Binding> <Binding Path="CompanyName"> <Binding.ValidationRules> <local:DataRowValidation ValidationStep="UpdatedValue" /> </Binding.ValidationRules> </Bindin...

ASP.NET 3.5 Gridview layout for each product type in DB

I'm trying to create a simple CMS-likeb backend app that uses TreeView for categories and GridView for product display/editing. The problem that I'm experiencing lies within the fact that there is a different table structure for each product type and only one page(GridView) that displays them. That would not be so bad, as AutoGenerateCol...

Using Mode=TwoWay and AutogenerateColumns=True in Silverlight 3 DataGrid

My List<BusinessObject> has some public properties that I want to bind to columns in a DataGrid. Unfortunately, the names of the public properties are not good and I may not even know what they are until runtime. For this reason, I set AutoGenerateColumns=True and interecept each DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEvent so I can inspect what it...

How to get width of gridview column when AutoGenerateColumns is true.

I have a gridview that I need to get the width of columns for after the gridview is databound. I have to have AutoGenerateColumns=true because the columns for the datatable that the gridview is bound to is not going to be fixed. The problem I'm having is the gridview columns collection is not populated when AutoGenerateColumns is true....

Auto generate varchar Ticket number via DB...

Hello, I'm looking for suggestion on how to get the DB to auto generate Ticket numbers (preferably via the SQL DB) for a varchar column. I have the following tables in the DB: Activities & Cases and would prefer the format to be "Act000001" or "Cse000001". This would be something similar to the identity column property. Any suggestio...

Controlling DBML EntityRef creation in DBML with multiple foreign keys

Using Linq to SQL and the autogeneration capabilities of DBML, foreign key relationships create EntityRefs in the DBML designer file. For example : private int _USStateId; private EntityRef<USState> _USState; However, if I have the need for a table with numerous FK relationships to the same table, how can i control the autogenerated...

hiding columns in datagridview (autogeneratedcolumns = true)

Hi, is there a attribute for properties which controls the autogenerate columns behavior from datagridview? By Browsable(false) the datagridview doesnt generate a column for the property (!) and i want that it generates a column but set the column to visible = false; thanks ...

Autogenerating columns from empty results in Silverlight

I'm doing some rapid prototyping and is trying to mock out an admin interface for a website and went with WCF RIA Services. I'm able to expose and consume the domain services from server to client, but I'm struggling with getting columns autogenerated in the datagrid when the result of the query on the server holds no data. <riaControl...