
DropdownList autoposback after client confirmation

I have a dropdownlist with the autopostback set to true. I want the user to confirm if they really want to change the value, which on post back fires a server side event (selectedindexchanged). I have tried adding an onchange attribute "return confirm('Please click OK to change. Otherwise click CANCEL?';") but it will not postback regar...

AutoPostback with TextBox loses focus (question made clearer)

A textbox is set to AutoPostback as changing the value should cause a number of (display-only) fields to be recalculated and displayed. That works fine. However, when the field is tabbed out of, the focus briefly moves on to the next field, then disappears when the page is redrawn so there is no focus anywhere. I want the focus to be o...

dynamic construction of checkboxes in a asp:table problem with events

I'm currently dynamically building an asp:table which contains checkboxes these checkboxes have a CheckChanged event as an auto postback. v_articleCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(v_articleCheckBox_CheckedChanged); I am storing the checkbox states in the viewstate and I am rebuilding the table every page load so that the vi...

ASP.NET DropDownList AutoPostback Not Working - What Am I Missing?

I am attempting to get a DropDownList to AutoPostBack via an UpdatePanel when the selected item is changed. I'm going a little stir-crazy as to why this isn't working. Does anyone have any quick ideas? ASPX page: <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" > <ContentTemplate>...

ASP DropDown causing ViewState to appear in Address bar

If you visit this page in Internet explorer, and choose a value from the "Current Media Releases" dropdown on the top right, eventually IE will try to redirect you to an ugly url containing this string: __EVENTTARGET=selArchives&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__LASTFOCUS=&__VIEWSTATE= The page should only be updating the selArchives Query string val...

Is Postback considered as a pageview by google ads or CPM ads?

Hi, I would like to know if a postback ( is considered as a pageview by google ads or CPM ads or it is ignored. How does google ads differentiate between a postback and a pageview? Any inputs will be highly appreciated. Thanks ...

Asp.Net, DropDownList, AutoPostBack and Google Chrome

I've a simple page (framework 3.5) and an UpdatePanel with a series of dropdownlist I want to populate asyncronously. All works fine in all major browsers (Opera, Safari, IE6, IE7, FF3), but not in Chrome. Chrome seems to ignore the SelectedIndexChanged event who had to make the asynch request. Anyone knows a simple workaround ...

DropDownList SelectedIndex value not updating on AutoPostback

It looks like this question was addressed here, but his solution did not work for me. I am creating a dynamic dropdown menu system that populates a secondary dropdownlist with the results of a query based on the selected item in the first dropdown. First dropdown getting populated: Dim db As New linqclassesDataContext Dim categories =...

ASP.NET 2.0: Calling a javascript function from onChange with AutoPostBack=true

I have an ASP.NET DDL that looks like this when I view source: <select name="testControl" onchange="DoCustomStuff();setTimeout('__doPostBack(\'testControl\',\'\')', 0)" id="testControl"> It looks like this on the .cs page: <asp:DropDownList ID="testControl" runat="server" onchange="DoCustomStuff()" OnSelectedIndexChanged="testControl...

add querystring to a postbackurl property of asp:button

I've got a textbox and a button on a form on default.aspx and in my DownloadHandler.ashx I am getting the value I need from HttpContext.Request.Form("txtURI"): <asp:TextBox ID="txtURI" AutoPostBack="true" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Button ID="DownloadButton"...

C# How to set the autopostback property when using mvc?

I am using MVC framework. On my page i have a dropdwonbox and when an option is clicked i want to go to another page. But i can't find how/where to set the autopostback property to true. This is the code i'm using: Aspx: <%= Html.DropDownList("qchap", new SelectList( (IEnumerable)ViewData["qchap"], "Id", "Title" )) %> Control...

HTML form with single text field + preventing postback in Internet Explorer

I have noticed a rather strange behaviour in IE. I have a HTML form with a single input text field and a submit button On Submit click I need to execute a client side JavaScript function that does the necessary. Now when I want to prevent the postback in the text field (on enter key press) I have added a key press JavaScript functio...

jQuery Autocomplete losing text on AutoPostBack

I have a jQuery Autocomplete field on an ASP.Net Webform and everything has been working great until now. I also have a DropDownList that I have a need to fire onSelectedIndexChanged with AutoPostBack. When I changed my code to do the AutoPostBack, the text field that has the jQuery AutoComplete on it comes back blank. However, if I lo...

Stop disappearing ModalPopup panel (shown by ModalPopupExtender ) on changing text of a textbox (TextChanged event fired by AutoPostback)

Hi I have a html table inside of a panel control. It will be shown by a ModalPopupExtender by clicking on a LinkButton. inside of the panel, there is a textbox which its "AutoPostBack" property is Ture and when user enters a value in it, TextChanged event is fired but unfortunately, the panel also disapears..... what's wrong? ...

Problem with YUI library and autopostback dropdownlist

Hi all, We are using YUI library in our project. I have a autopostback dropdown list which is converted to YUI dropdownlist as the code shown below. Now when user select some value from the dropdownlist the page posts back and the SelectedGroupChanged event fires but before that the confirm dialog box is not appearing. W...

Autopostback=True for a Textbox and RequiredFieldValidator next to it. But when submitting form after Posting back by TextChanged event to the Textbox, RequiredFieldValidator doesn't work!?

Hi In my .aspx form I have a textbox (Textbox1) with Autopostback=True. I also set a RequiredFieldValidator (RequiredFieldValidator1) next to it. But when Posting back by TextChanged event of Textbox1, RequiredFieldValidator1 appears but still I can submit my form with nothing into the Textbox1! what's wrong? ...

How do you determine what element of a form is the one responsible for an autopostback in ASP.NET VB?

I have a number of dropdown lists that I'm trying to chain together and they all have autopostback. How can I tell which one of the dropdown lists was the one responsibe for the autopostback? I'm very new to ASP.NET and visual basic so any suggestion, no matter how elementary, is appreciated. ...

How would I see if a button is visible before my radiobuttonlist posts back on index changed?

I have an asp:radiobuttonlist that serves two purposes depending on which button is pushed. Now if I have my update button visible, then it will only show textbox1, and if I have my save button visible, it will show textbox2. However, when checking within the method of the indexChanged, it discards the fact that the button is visible and...

ASP:Checkbox how to autopostback only on checked?

I've got a checkbox that's set up as below: <asp:CheckBox ID="myCheckbox" runat="Server" OnClick="showLoadingScreen(this.checked);" AutoPostBack="true" Text="Check me for more data!" /> The function showLoadingScreen is as below: function showLoadingScreen(isChecked) { if (isChecked) { document.getElementById('f...

autopackback dropdownlist only if changed using mouse

I would like to perform a postback when the droplistlist selected value changes, but only if it was changed via expanding the downdown and clicking an option, not is the user tabs to the control and uses the arrow keys. The reason for this is simple, keyboard accessibility. ...