
Using database resources in Axiom Safe Request

Hi, I would like to know how to make use of an Axiom database resource inside a Safe function. Right now I'm just handling the connection manually but I know it would be better to use the already defined resources. ...

Why can't programs be proven?

Why can't a computer program be proven just as a mathematical statement can? A mathematical proof is built up on other proofs, which are built up from yet more proofs and on down to axioms - those truths truths we hold as self evident. Computer programs don't seem to have such a structure. If you write a computer program, how is it th...

How to configure a XMLInputFactory (within axis2 / axiom)

Hello, this is a follow-up to my recent question. Skaffmans answer helped and I think I identified the problem. But again I need help to solve it... Here's what I did so far: Autogenerated a Service Stub using java2wsdl and axiom data binding (ADB) The service's response message has an image attachment inlined in the xml body (base64 ...

Hypothetical, formerly-C++0x concepts questions

(Preamble: I am a late follower to the C++0x game and the recent controversy regarding the removal of concepts from the C++0x standard has motivated me to learn more about them. While I understand that all of my questions are completely hypothetical -- insofar as concepts won't be valid C++ code for some time to come, if at all -- I am s...

How do you Change a Package's Log Level using Log4j?

I've encountered the following bug: It states the following: This error only occurs when log level for org.apache.axiom is DEBUG so a workaround is to set log level > DEBUG. My question is HOW do I go about doing that? I've been scouring my directories for a properties file or something...

Using database resources in Axiom Safe Request

Hi, I would like to know how to make use of an Axiom database resource inside a Safe function. Right now I'm just handling the connection manually but I know it would be better to use the already defined resources. ...

How can I setup dependencies for Axis2 / Axiom on Maven2

I've tried the following settings on pom.xml to use Axis2 wsdl2code: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.axis2</groupId> <artifactId>axis2</artifactId> <version>1.5.1</version> </dependency> </dependencies> ... <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.axis2</groupId> <artifactId>axis2-ws...

Working on Peano Axioms in Agda and hit a bit of a sticking point

PA6 : ∀{m n} -> m ≡ n -> n ≡ m is the axiom I am trying to solve and support, I've tried using a cong (from the core library) but am having troubles with the cong constructor PA6 = cong gets me nowhere, I know for cong I am required to supply a refl for equality and a type, but I'm, not sure what type I'm supposed to supply. Ideas? ...

Serializing Axis2 ADBBean

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to serialize an Axis2 generated ADBBean. The problem is that the instead of getting the entire payload, i'm only getting a serialized version of the first child element. Here is what I'm doing Foo foo = new Foo(); foo.setBar("xyz"); System.out.println("XML String ==> " + serialize(foo)); //etc public St...

How to add custom SOAP header in Spring WS using Axiom and XmlBeans

I'm using Spring WS 1.5.8, XmlBeans for marshalling/unmarshalling and AxiomSoapMessageFactory. My app. needs a custom SOAP header. The data that needs to be in the SOAP Header is a XmlBean (i.e sessionContext in the code below). How can I construct the SOAP Header with this XmlBeans XmlObject element in it? I've mentioned the code of my ...

I can't change a value, for a web service using an axiom client!

Hi.I just started learning about web serices. I succesfuly installed Tomcat, and deployed axis2 on it. I followed the tutorial from here . I made the StockQuoteService web service, moved the .aar file in the WEB-INF/services folder and tested it - it worked all fine. Then I made a ...

How can I create and Apache Axiom element from a E4X object from a script running in Rhino?

I am running a script running in Rhino, which creates an E4X object like this: var s = <product id="123"> <name>Google Search</name> <source>;/source&gt; </product> I want to include such XML in a SOAP message. I am using Apache Axis 2 ServiceClient for creat...

10 LISP primitives analogous to 5 axioms of Euclidean geometry?

LISP can be built from ten primitives: The primitives are: atom, quote, eq, car, cdr, cons, cond, lambda, label, apply. Apparently these are equivalent to the 5 axioms of Euclidean geometry. Can anyone explain how they are equivalent? ...

ClassNotFoundException axiom-api-1.2.7.jar

Hi Guys, I am getting this exception in my java project Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: at$ Source) at Method) at Source) at java...

axis2 "unexpected subelement value"

I'm trying to use Axis2 to connect to a SOAP webservice. This was previously working in Axis 1, but 2 is causing problems. I've regenerated the Java code using wsdl2java which has generated the stubs for Axis2, but it's falling over when processing an element of the server response with "unexpected subelement value". The fragment of the...

Spring ws - AxiomSoapMessage & attachment with MTOM are inline

Hi, im trying to understand how the AxiomSoapMessageFactory handles request (the body & attachment) but i dont understand some points (or they are maybe features) i 'm using AxioSoapMessageFactory like this : <bean id="messageFactory" class=""> <property name="payloadCaching"...