
How to use JQuery UI datepicker with bgIframe on IE 6

I am trying to use the JQuery UI datepicker (latest stable version 1.5.2) on an IE6 website. But I am having the usual problems with combo boxes (selects) on IE6 where they float above other controls. I have tried adding the bgIframe plugin after declaring the datepicker with no luck. My guess is that the .ui-datepicker-div to which I a...

Does the bgiframe plugin work with jQuery 1.3.x ?

With jQuery 1.2.6 I would do the below and all was well $("#element").bgiframe(); But the only examples I have seen working with jQuery 1.3.x (shown below) $("#element").bgiframe = true; But the above does not work ... so does anyone have a new plugin to do this type of thing? EDIT: I'm using this plugin outside of jQuery.UI, and...

What CSS/Script is stopping "bgiframe" from working in IE6 on this page?

Hi, Does anyone have the expertise to quickly figure out why jquery bgiframe's plugin is not working on this page? The code is basically the exact code from the dialog plugin demo page. Our site template seems to not play well and I am trying to determine what exact...

bgiframe appears in front of jquery modal dialog's overlay in IE6

When I look at jquery ui's demo modal dialog ( in IE6 the bgiframe is appearing on top of the background overlay. So instead of seeing a black/gray stripe pattern, there is just a white background covering the page with the word "false" in the upper left corner. Is bgiframe broken with the latest...

bgiframe:true in jquery ui:dialog ie6

Hello All, I am learning to use the jquery ui:dialog. And when i go to this link for the example for a modal dialog, in ie6 The resizing of the dialog doesnt work. I try to replicate the same scenario by myself, with the bgiframe:true option, the resizing still doesnt work. I know there is an...

onclick detection on bgiframe in jquery

Hello All, I am trying to find way, to detect onclick event on bgiframe if possible. The reason behind this is, since i am using a jquery dialog in ie6, with bgiframe plugin included. I am not able to bind the $('.ui-widget-overlay').click(function() { $dialog.dialog("close"); }); And therefore i am not able to close the dialog, if c...