
Java 2D Image resize ignoring bicubic/bilinear interpolation rendering hints (OS X + linux)

I'm trying to create thumbnails for uploaded images in a JRuby/Rails app using the Image Voodoo plugin - the problem is the resized thumbnails look like... ass. It seems that the code to generate the thumbnails is absolutely doing everything correctly to set the interpolation rendering hint to "bicubic", but it isn't honoring them on ou...

How do you do bicubic (or other non-linear) interpolation of re-sampled audio data?

I'm writing some code that plays back WAV files at different speeds, so that the wave is either slower and lower-pitched, or faster and higher-pitched. I'm currently using simple linear interpolation, like so: int newlength = (int)Math.Round(rawdata.Length * lengthMultiplier); float[] output = new float[newlengt...

Cubic/Curve Smooth Interpolation in C#

Below is a cubic interpolation function: public float Smooth(float start, float end, float amount) { // Clamp to 0-1; amount = (amount > 1f) ? 1f : amount; amount = (amount < 0f) ? 0f : amount; // Cubicly adjust the amount value. amount = (amount * amount) * (3f - (2f * amount)); return (start + ((end - start) ...

IE6 image scaling with bicubic filter

I have a project where I have to resize some images in the actual browser side. IE8, FF3 et al all apply a filter to smooth the resizing of the image, so in these browsers everything looks good. In IE7 I have applied the following fix which works great: -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; In IE6 however I can only find references to t...

How Bicubic-interpolation work?

After reading text about this said topic, i found out that it considers 16 of the original neighboring pixels. What i want to know is how does it compute the color value of the new pixel. If the color of pixels can be determined by 200,100,255, how could you compute the value of the new one? ...

How to draw and scale a bitmap on a canvas using bicubic interpolation in Android?

I want to draw a bitmap on a canvas with bigger size than it is. I can use canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, null, destRect, null); but that gives a poor quality, as the result is pixelated, if the source image is sightly smaller than the destination rectangle. How can i draw my bitmap using bilinear or bicubic resampling? Any help would be a...

Resize images client-side to thumbnails results in jaggy and ugly pictures

Im trying to use thumbnails on the fly so I won't have to have both thumbs and actual images. I had em done with PHP (with the excellent imagecopyresampled function) which worked great. Now I'm looking to do something similar without PHP and I'm curious about the alternatives. Having the browsers do the rendering doesn't seem to be a go...

Image Resampling Bicubic Interpolation Java

i have resized image but its quality is low. i heard of bicubic interpolation but i cant get any implementation code!! can sombody provide me that code please!! ...