
Is there an elegant way to deal with the Ace in Blackjack?

My kiddo had a homework assignment to write Blackjack in Java. I helped him a little but for the most part he did it all himself and it actually plays pretty well. He even caught an error I didn't see in how it was calculating hand values. However, there is a snag that he hasn't dealt with and every solution I can think of is really comp...

Is there an easy way to display playing cards in a WinForms app?

I am writing a quickie BlackJack Winforms app to demonstrate a couple of concepts. The engine itself is fairly simple, however, I'd like to display actual playing cards on the WinForm. Is there a library out there that I can use (preferably free) that allows the display the cards. There is, of course, the cards.dll from way back in th...

i violated D.R.Y. help me please?

I'm making a blackjack sim and I want to deal the cards how it would be in a casino, i.e. all players get dealt a card, dealer gets one face down, players get another card, dealer gets one face up BUT LOOK I VIOLATED DRY :( How to redo?? void BlackJack::newHand() { resetHands(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < players.size(); i...

Object-Oriented Black Jack in

Alright, so I want to improve my programming and object orientation skills. I want to program a fully object oriented blackjack game in under Visual Studio 2008. The first thing I did was learn all the rules of BlackJack. I've been brainstorming about it. What (I think) I need is a Card class that has a number value and its repr...

Scheme homework Black jack help....

So I need to do a game of blackjack simulator, butt can't seem to figure out whats wrong with the shuffle it's suppose to take a card randomly from the pack the put it on top of the pack. The delete it from the rest. so : (ace)(2)(3)(4)(5)...(k) if random card is let say 5 (5)(ace)(2)(3)(4)(5)...(k) then it deletes the 2nd 5 (5)(ace)(2)...

Scheme redefine a list...

I have a list called hand and another one called deck, the main goal here is to take the first card (or element ) in the list deck and put it in the list hand when i call the fnction draw... > (draw hand deck) (2 C) > (draw hand deck) (2 C) (3 H) > (draw hand deck) (2 C) (3 H) (K D) but everytime i call it the hand never changes valu...

Handling aces and finding a segfault in a blackjack program

Here's what i have so far... I have yet to figure out how i'm going to handle the 11 / 1 situation with an ace, and when the player chooses an option for hit/stand, i get segfault. HELP!!! updated code #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #define DECKSIZE 52 #define VALUE 9 #define FACE 4 #def...

Python - Blackjack

def showCards(): #SUM sum = playerCards[0] + playerCards[1] #Print cards print "Player's Hand: " + str(playerCards) + " : " + "sum" print "Dealer's Hand: " + str(compCards[0]) + " : " + "sum" compCards = [Deal(),Deal()] playerCards = [Deal(),Deal()] How can i add up the interger element of a list conta...

How to have a method pause and wait for input with an android

Basically I have created a Blackjack app that uses several methods that get called and pass a long the information that is needed (about cards and actions). I have 2 buttons displayed on screen that are click able (hit and stand). Now I have a method called player turn... and this is when I (through static ints) have if a button is sel...