
How can I get a DIV to centre on a page using jQuery and blockUI?

Hi All, I'm trying to convert Matt Berseth's 'YUI Style Yes/No Confirm Dialog' so I can use it with the jQuery blockUI plugin. I have to admit I'm no CSS guru but I thought this would pretty easy even for me....except 10hrs later I'm at a loss as to why I can't get the blasted thing to work. The problem is that I can't seem to get th...

Any alternative to blockUI for jQuery?

Hello, The question says it all! I am looking for an easy to use alternative of blockUI for jQuery. I've been trying for days to center a dialog box with blockUI in both FireFox and IE but no chance. It doesn't work. I looked at this question about centering a blockUI dialog box (

jQuery BlockUI vs. jqModal

I need a modal windows that tells the user to wait until I've finished some work on the server. Looks like both BlockUI and jqModal can do this. Do you have any experiences with any of them? Pros and cons? I'm using ASP.NET MVC. ...

How do I autosize a blockui dialog to the available visible area with JQuery?

I need to resize a div shown as a message in blockUI so that it fills the visible screen area less some hardcoded fudge factor (so width - 100 say). The premise is that I can show a smaller image on the screen but if the user needs an enlarged image then I just show them block ui dialog sized to their screen. The image is dynamically ge...

How do I interrupt an ASP.NET button postback with BlockUI and Jquery

I have an ASP.NET page with a number of ASP:Button instances on it. For some, I need to show a confirmation prompt and, should the user choose yes, the original postback method is called. Otherwise, the overall process is cancelled. I've got an example running but I get inconsistent results, mainly in FF3 where I get an exception thrown...

JQuery BlockUI - How to unblock UI after file download?

Using ASP.Net, JQuery and BlockUI, I'm trying to unblock the UI after a download file dialog is shown. I block the UI when export button is clicked: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#<%= BtnExport.ClientID%>').click(function(){ $.blockUI(); }); }); ...

Block UI untill a page has fully loaded : jquery, blockUI plugin

How can I block the UI when the page is still loading using jquery and blockUI plugin? If the page was being loaded using an AJAX call I know the workaround, but when the page is loading with a postback, then how to block the ui until the page has finished loading completely? Please help. Many thanks in advance for your effort and time....

drop down list with jquery and blockui

I almost figure this out, can anyone tell me as to why my $.unblock never executes? $(document).ready(function() { $('#somedropdown').change(function() { $.blockUI({ css: { border: 'none', padding: '15px', backg...

jQuery datepicker dropdowns hidden when using chrome and blockUI

When I use the jQueryUI datepicker along with blockUI then the month and year dropdowns do not show when viewing the site in Chrome, they show fine in IE8 and FF3. Any ideas how to solve this issue? ...

Using BlockUI with JS hide = no go?

Hello, I am trying to use BlockUI with jQuery's hide, however, not everything's going to plan. Currently, upon script load, the said div (radiodj) hides itself. When user clicks on a button, the div shows up. Now, here's the problem. When user clicks on a link inside the div, the div hides away again, but the link action is performed, i...

blockUI works but unBlockUI Isn't

I've implemented block UI as this request can take a little, time when the ajax request starts everything works as expected. But when the ajax request finishes and the msgbox is shown, the UI doesn't unblock! Any ideas? I'm using IE8. $().ajaxStart($.blockUI); $().ajaxStop($.unblockUI); function ChangeCompanyState(companyId, stat...

BlockUI takes too long to block jQuery dialog

I'm trying to use the jQuery BlockUI Plugin to block a jQuery dialog while it performs a sorting algorithm. The function that sorts works like this: doSort : function() { $("#sort_dlg").block(); // sort... takes a few seconds $("#sort_dlg").unblock(); } It works, kind of. The dialog doesn't get blocked until AFTER the so...

ASP.NET Ajax - Using jQuery BlockUI in two places; can I unblock a specific div?

I'm using the jQuery BlockUI Plugin (v2) because it rocks the casbah. For every ASP.NET AJAX request made on the page, I use the InitializeRequest and EndRequest client-side events to block and unblock the UI, respectively -- this allows me to easily throw up a "Please wait..." dialog. Code is as follows: var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageReq...

blockUI with datapicker()

hi i have this code <div id="question" style="display:none; cursor: default"> <form id=loginForm> ITEM NO<input type="text" id="ITNO" /><br/> ITEM NAME <input type="text" id="ITNM" /><br/> Description<input type="text" id="Des" /><br/> Category<input type="text" id="Cat" /><br/> Quantity<input type="text" id="Quant" /><...

Jquery blockUI + Validate plugin - Validation not firing

Context: Using 2.0 webforms, Jquery 1.3.2 and BlockUI and Validation plugins. I have a Gridview which is databound with some html buttons and then these buttons are wired up in jquery so that when clicked, blockUI displays a div with various inputs. When the modal is submitted, I am using the Validate plug-in to validate the inp...

sIFR 3 issue (IE) with BlockUI and UpdatePanel

I am experience an issue using sIFR 3, jQuery BlockUI and an UpdatePanel where the page refreshes and the SIFR font disappears. In the Javascript file I use to handle the blocking and unblocking of the UI, I detect the partial postback and unblock the UI: prm.add_endRequest(function() { $.unblockUI(); }); If I re-run sIFR.replace() in...

How to know when image uploading is finished?

I want to use blockUI plugin for my project. I want to block UI during the uploading images, but i use simple image upload component (non ajax). Does any kind to identify when uploading images is finished and unbock UI? Thx ...

jQuery blockUI unchecking all checked checkboxes.

I am using ASP.NET checkboxlist control. On the page I have a hyperlink. On its click blockUI plugin displayes a div which contains the checkbox list control. The state of the checkboxes is always unchecked on calling blockUI again. The checkboxes are always unchecked evenif they were checked before on the page. $("#multipleIA a:contai...

How to display a tooltip while using blockui?

My site is using the jQuery tooltip plugin ( and the blockui plugin. I am applying the tooltips like this: $(function() { $("span.helptooltip").tooltip({ showURL: false, showBody: " - " }); }); That works like a charm everywhere except a DIV that is being shown using ...

IE-specific problem with JQuery Form Plugin

My script utilizes BlockUI to load a modal upload form for images and then uses the JQuery Form Plugin to submit the data from this form. This works fine in Firefox and Chrome, however when I attempt to submit the form in Internet Explorer 7, I am prompted with a download dialog asking to save the PHP file that is calling this code. It...