
Using /ApplicationPublicName does not change AppName() output

I know it's a long shot that there might be any uniPaaS developers on here, but here goes: Today for the first time I've gone to duplicate a system we have in uniPaaS 1.5. In the uniPaaS broker, I added the flag /ApplicationPublicName to change the APPNAME that the application responds on. However, the AppName() output that the applic...

HOWTO: disable jmx in activemq network of brokers (spring, xbean)

Since I've struggled a lot with this problem, I am posting my solution. Disabling jmx in an activemq network of brokers removes race conditions about the registration of the jmx connector. When starting multiple activemq servers on the same machine: Failed to start jmx connector: Cannot bind to URL [rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi]: javax.n...

Service Broker message_body error when casting binary data to xml in C#

I am using Message Broker with Sql server 2008, and designing an External Activator service to consume messages from my target queue. My Problem: Cant cast the returned message body from the SqlDataReader object: "WAITFOR (RECEIVE TOP(1) conversation_handle, message_type_name, message_body FROM [{1}]), TIMEOUT {2}" operation, I cant c...

Automating Etrade

Hey everyone, I was wondering how would I start programming an interface to trading stocks in Etrade in python. I am attempting to make an automated trading bot, but there is no api publicly available for automated trading with Etrade. Thanks in advance. ^^ ...

Optimized Publish/Subcribe JMS Broker Cluster and Conflicting Posts on StackOverFlow for the Answer

Hi, I am looking to build a publish/subscribe distributed messaging framework that can manage huge volumes of message traffic with some intelligence at the broker level. I don't know if there's a topology that describes this, but this is the model I'm going after: EXAMPLE MODEL A A) There are two running message brokers (ideally all ...

How can I prevent application domain stealing?

I'm in the process of making a javascript application and I want to bring that online, lets call it mydesign. I'm living in the Netherlands so can be mine. Now is available for sale by some domain broker sales bastards. And those bastards don't accept a first bid lower than 1000$ which is a about ten times of the...

JMX/RMI issues when starting broker

Hello fellow stackoverflowers. I have been getting a quite nasty error while trying to start up my brokers with ActiveMQ. It seems that, for some reason, the management context tries to start up something that is already registered. The top of the stack trace reads: [SpringOsgiExtenderThread-127] DEBUG

ActiveMQ + OSGi XML xBean configuration problem

Hi folks, I've been having problems configuring an ActiveMQ broker through an xBean-parsed external XML file. At this point, ANY help, tips, pointers, hints or even cheering-up are appreciated. Here's my issue: I'm trying to use an external .xml file to configure a broker. I have the following code in my spring bundle context: <bean i...

Limitations of SunRPC mechanism as a Client-Dispatcher-Server architecture and comparison with Broker

I am reading a book on design patterns (an old edition) "Pattern-oriented software architecture". In the chapter dedicated to Client-Dispatcher-Server, SunRPC is cited as a Client-Dispatcher-Server architecture, with portmapper acting as Dispatcher in the Client-Server negotiation. I never used SunRPC practically, although I know more or...

ActiveMQ: Slow processing consumers

Concerning ActiveMQ: I have a scenario where I have one producer which sends small (around 10KB) files to the consumers. Although the files are small, the consumers need around 10 seconds to analyze them and return the result to the producer. I've researched a lot, but I still cannot find answers to the following questions: How do I ma...