
Jquery: encasing div and anchor link binded to same event.

im having trouble figuring out how to bind mouseout() to my entire nav bar including the links. when a user hovers over a link in #nav a sub menu is shown. all is well there. what i want to do is fadeOut that sub menu when the user hovers out of the entire #nav. my code for the mouseout: $('#nav').mouseout(function() { setTimeou...

Jquery animation query bubbling how to handle it properly when using ex. slideToggle???

Hello, I need an answer to the following question... I have the problem when I use slideToggle I can't handle it's animation query with .stop(), i can handle it with .stop(true,true) though but it cuts my animation. I want to handle it smoothly without any plugins for example : I want it to wait till the animation finishes. Thanks ...

flex custom events bubbling

Dear Richard Szalay, i go through your answers regarding bubbling, i want explore bubbling more. Please see my sample below <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" xmlns:view="com.view.*" > <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import com.events.ImgLoaded; private function loadedd(evt:ImgLoaded):void{ t...

Javascript Events

Please tell me difference b/w Capturing and Bubbling events. ...

JavaScript Exception/Error Handling Not Working

This might be a little hard to follow. I've got a function inside an object: f_openFRHandler: function(input) { console.debug('f_openFRHandler'); try{ //throw 'foo'; DragDrop.FileChanged(input); //foxyface.window.close(); } catch(e){ ...

How to use event bubbling in Flex

Hi Actually I wanted to know what is bubbling event and how to make use of it. Also, what is the concept of capturing, targeting and bubbling too? If any one knows or could give any sample piece of code for explanation that would be helpful. ...