
Only one project of two running in my config.

I am creating an integration server for the first time, and although I have two projects in my cruisecontrol config file, only the first one seems to be executing. My config file is pasted below. <cruisecontrol> <project name="cc-config"> <triggers> <intervalTrigger seconds="60" /> </triggers> <sourcecontrol t...

cruisecontrol sourcesafe block

The build machine at work has many projects, but we are only experiencing a problem with one. Two projects are very similar, one builds in debug mode, the other in release mode. They both clear out the projects directory, and then does a full Get from source safe. The debug build gets the source fine and fairly quickly, but the rele...

Can I keep CruiseControl.Net's ccnet.config in svn, then have CruiseControl update its own config file when a change is checked in?

I'd like to be able to keep our CruiseControl.Net's ccnet.config file in svn, then when I check in a change, ie, I've added a new project, it will update itself. This way I have the config file under source control and I can track the changes being made. I do realize that I could check in a change that will screw up CruiseControl to a ...

CCNetConfig command line parameter for opening a ccnet.config?

I'm trying out CCNetConfig (warning, website a little slow). Great app, one annoyance. I can see in the documentation and even in the source code (Look at the end of the Initialize method) that I should be able to pass in a command line parameter to automatically load the configuration file. I have tried: -f E:\CruiseControl.Net\ser...

CCNET Server Exception

CCNET is throwing this exeption on the web dashboard. What is causing this? System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it Server stack trace: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress) at System.Net.Sockets...

CCNet triggers build, but succeds even i check in bad code to svn

HI, I have set up CruiseControl for .NET with SVN as my source control and using NAnt build script. When i manually build the visual studio solution i get the errors, which is correct coz i have some bad code. After i checked in the code to svn, CCNet triggered the build, but the result shows as SUCCESS. Please find the config and buil...

How to pass the result of batch file to variable & use the same variable in header.xsl

Hi All, I am new to ccnet. I have CruiseControl.NET- installed. I want to execute the batch file in ccnet.config and pass the result to variable, which I want to use in header.xsl. how can i do that, can anybody help on this? Thanks, Kedar ...

Examples of modificationReader task in CC.Net?

I am trying to set up a build chain that propagates a modification history through the various build stages. My first thought was modificationWriter/modificationReader pairs, but I am having trouble getting the reader to read the results. Does anybody have any examples or tips? I am using the latest CC.NET 1.4.4 SP1. Thanks! ...

Does CruiseControl.NET support access to a repository via the http protocol?

I am trying to set up on the project I'm working on at the minute. I have done this before using a config containing lines like these: and svn:// However this time I only have read only access to the repository via HTTP as opposed to via svn. Will the same config work with the trunkUrl set ...

CCNet: How Do I copy the svn revision number to a file in MSBuild?

Does anyboy know how to pass the LastChangeNumber parameter into MSBuild? I'm trying to use this: <Exec Condition=" '$(LastChangeNumber)' != '' " Command=">\\server\destination\subversion_revision.txt echo subversion $(LastChangeNumber)" /> Which successfully ignores the condition if I leave out the LastChangeNumber parameter from th...

How do you create properties in CruiseControl.Net

In ant scripts and MS build files you can set properties at the top how do I do this in the CruiseControl file ccnet.config? ...

Getting Configuration Preprocessor to work in CruiseControl.NET

I am trying to define some values in my ccnet.config file. I am running version I added xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder" to my main cruisecontrol <cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder"> next I defined some defines processor constants: <cb:define prodbuildtag="" /> <cb:define testbu...

CruiseControl.NET: using $(CCNetLabel ) inside ccnet.config file

When calling external processes like MSBuild cruise control sets environment variables. One of values is CCNetLabel. it holds the value of the current projects label. I want to use the same values in ccnet config itself but when I try ccnet config has a problem. I get the following error: [CCNet Server:ERROR] INTERNAL ERROR: Reference t...

CC.NET: howto trigger an extended build when a subdirectory in svn has changed

Hi, We have a couple of projects configured in Each of these projects has following items in it's working directory (svn): source lib db scripts SSIS package(s) We would like to know if there is a way to find out if there are any modifications in the subdirectory containing the SSIS packages? This would allow us to do a full...

How do I share a label value between multiple CC.NET builds?

I have two projects set up in CC.NET: CI build and nightly build. Both of them execute the same nant script, but with different parameters. The CCNET label (currently generated by the DefaultLabeler) is embedded into AssemblyInfo as the build part of the version (e.g *MajorVersion.MinorVersion.CCNET_Label.SVN_Revision*). For more cons...

CCNet email does not include MSBuild results

We're using CCNet but when an MSBuild task fails, we don't get the MSBuild results (i.e. missing file or whatever reason the compile failed) in the email notification. I do see the build failure on the CCNet website (dashboard). I can see a file called msbuild-results.xml being created in the artifacts folder, so the msbuild ...

How to run CruiseControl.NET task but only after a specific task ends?

For example I have three tasks: task1, task2, task3. How to write a CruiseControl.NET configuration file that runs task3 but only after task2 ends with success? ...

CruiseControl.NET does not increment label.

I am running the ccnet server on a windows Server 2003 Operating system. The builds for my product happen fine. But the label remains "" always. If I do a force build through the web dashboard the version is incremented, but otherwise, the version does not get incremented. Can anybody tell me if there is something I am missing. I...

Does CruiseControl.NET have to access VisualSVN via HTTP or HTTPS?

I've recently got CruiseControl.NET setup to work with my VisualSVN server. It works fine, and the TrunkURL uses the repository url that VisualSVN gave me, which starts with https. I am however confused slightly because every example you see on the CruiseControl.NET website for subversion has the server using svn://. I tried to use th...

mercurial support in CruiseControl.NET - how to clean & update build folder?

I'm using the Mercurial source control block in CruiseControl.NET, and I have it set to autoGetSource but some of the files (such as version number, based on current time) change as part of the build. So for the next build, some of the files are changed so autoGetSource fails. Is there a way I can tell CruiseControl.NET to do a hg updat...