
CF8's CFFEED quirks?

Anything one should watch out for when using CF8's CFFEED tag? Oh, here's a list... Yet another post on cffeed and columnMap : Raymond Camden's ColdFusion Blog anything else? ...

CFFEED component/custom tag for ColdFusion MX 7?

I'm working on a client's site, and updating to ColdFusion 8 isn't an option. What I'm looking for is something similar to CF8's CFFEED functionality via a custom tag or component, and I'm not particularly keen on writing my own reader/parser if something already exists. I need to read in the RSS2 feed from a blog and display the title,...

Parsing text content in ColdFusion

Hi guys, I am attempting to parse text from a <cfoutput query="...">. I am interested in finding the number of times every word in the text is displayed. For example: "My name is Bob and I like to Bob". should result in Bob - 2 Name - 1 etc, etc, etc. I take my <cfoutput> from a twitter RSS feed. Here is my code: <blink> <cfse...

Coldfusion 8 & Twitter - cffeed unable to read the source URL. Status Code: 400

In Coldfusion 8 Enterprise (8,0,1,195765), the following two lines of code causes this error: Unable to read the source URL. Status Code: 400 Try adding or changing UserAgent attribute in the CFFeed tag <cffeed source="" query="twitter"> <cfdump var="#twitter#"> Yet, on my develo...

cffeed causing errors

Our web admins applied some hotfixes (don't know which ones) over the weekend and it seems to have killed <cffeed>. The error we get is below. We have the <cffeed> tag inside of a <cftry> but it still produces the error. Any thoughts on what would be causing the error or or how to circumvent without rewriting all our code? ROOT CAUSE: ...

Issue with CFFEED

Right, I'm working on a site with a couple different RSS feeds. My issue is one of my feeds works just fine, but the second one (based on nearly identical code) fails and I can't figure out why. Here's the code that works: <!--- Get the feed data as a query from the orders table. ---> <cfquery name="getNews" datasource="#DSN#"> ...