
Static pages in MVC framework?

Where do you guys put your static pages, like "home", in an MVC framework? Do you have a "home" controller? A "pages" controller? Do you create actions for each static page? I'm using CFWheels now, and I'm trying to figure out the best place to put them. Edit: Apparently CFWheels doesn't require you to create actions for all your vie...

How to unit test redirects in cfwheels

What would be the correct way of unit testing a controller action that performs a redirect? UPDATE: I'm a core developer on the CFWheels project. The whole reason I'm asking this question is currently I'm working on enhancing the built in testing framework we have and I'm wondering on how to approach and implement something like this in...

Is it ok to store large objects (java component for example) in an Application variable?

I am developing an app right now which creates and stores a connection to a local XMPP server in the Application scope. The connection methods are stored in a cfc that makes sure the Application.XMPPConnection is connected and authorized each time it is used, and makes use of the connection to send live events to users. As far as I can t...

How can i split up a component using cfinclude and still use inheritance?

UPDATE: Seems that railo doesn't have this issue at all. UPDATE: I'm voting to close this issue as i as feel people are focusing more on the whole "does someone have a better idea splitting up large components" part of this question (which i should never have put in) then the real problem of using cfincludes with cfcomponent. Note: thi...

How can I do a "deep compare" or "diff" on two Structs?

(This is a coldfusion question) I've got two different Structs that may or may not contain the same data, and I want to be able to see if they do! My Structs will always contain simple values (Numbers, Strings or Booleans) because they are being created with DeserializeJSON, so hopefully this can be done easily. I found Ben Nadel's pos...

CFWheels Unit Testing?

Hello everyone, I have searched Google and abroad and I cannot find anything about CFWheels Unit Testing. Does anyone know if it exists and if so can you point me in the right direction? Thanks, Darren ...