
Why is it removed: ASP.NET MVC CheckBoxList (w/o MVCContrib)

Why is the CheckBoxList removed from MVC preview release 5? Currently i don't see any way in which i can create a list of checkboxes (with similar names but different id's) so people can select 0-1-more options from the list. There is an CheckBoxList list present in the MVCContrib library but it is deprecated. I can understand t...

How to loop thru a checkboxlist and to find what's checked and not checked

Hi, i'm trying to loop thru items of a checkbox list. if it's checked, I want to set 1 value. If not, I want to set another value. I was using the below but it only gives me checked items: foreach (DataRowView myRow in clbIncludes.CheckedItems) { MarkVehicle(myRow); } TIA! ...

.NET CheckBox control that supports Value property

I am aware that the default .NET CheckBox control doesn't support the Value property. This seems weird to me because the input control does support value as part of the html spec. So my question is whether or not anyone here knows of a custom user control out there for that acts similar to the standard ASP .NET CheckBox and Chec... updatepanel clears checkboxlist selections

I have an ASP.Net CheckBoxList control inside an Ajax UpdatePanel. I will include the code (C#) along with the HTML below. I have found that it is something with the CheckBoxList not persisting through the post back. BTW, it is a little messy. It is a prototype. This is the method used to populate the original CheckBoxList protecte...

CheckBoxList with multiple values bound to a single flag enum

I have a FormView (bound to an ObjectDataSource) that contains a CheckBoxList that I'd like to bind to a single property of the underlying object that is an Enum with the FlagsAttribute applied to it. Binding to the SelectedValue property always gives me just the FIRST selected value from the list as the property's value. Anyone know h...

toggle div visibility with a checkbox list

Hi, I have a web application(ASP.NET2.0 C#). Within it, I have a div that contains a checkbox list and a button. I want to toggle the div viewing, so I got some javascript code online to help me. Heres the code: <script language="javascript"> var state = 'hidden'; function showhide(layer_ref) { if (state == 'visible') { ...

How to set multiple selected values in checkboxlist

I have a checkbox list bound to a linq to sql datasource and when I check the item count of my CheckBoxList on the page load event it is 0. I want to be able to set the selected items on my checkboxlist here but cannot. The datasource's selected event fires after the page load. If this is the case, how can I set the selected ite...

How do I bind a dictionary to a set of checkboxes using ASP.NET MVC?

My need is to 'bind' Dictionary<MyType, bool> to list of checkboxes in mvc. I'm confused about how to accomplish that. Could anyone help me? ...

CheckboxList - Use web.config value in text field

Hi there, The scenario I'm dealing with is I have a set of entries in a database that have an image associated with them. This image needs to be 'accepted' or 'rejected' via a web interface. I'm using ASP.NET WebForms. I'm attempting to databind my recordset of entires to a CheckBoxList control. I would like to combine data from my da...

ListView containing CheckBoxList - Selected items not showing as checked

I have a ListView with an EditItemTemplate that calls a method onItemEditing. Within my ListView I have a CheckBoxList bound using LINQ. In my onItemEditing method, I'm trying to check certain CheckBoxes if they are present in a look up table that links users with sectors. However, when I load the EditItemTemplate none of the CheckBox...

JQuery: getting the value/text/innerHtml of a checkbox in an ASP.NET CheckBoxList control

I've got a bunch of checkboxes generated by an CheckBoxList control. I want to get the text the user sees next to the control on the page. With similar controls, like RadioButtonList, I've been able to get their values in jQuery by doing this: var selected = $("input:checked[id*='" + + "']"); and then looping thro...

How to attach onchange event to CheckBoxList? Missing InputAttributes?

Setting onchange event for CheckBoxList using the following code doesn't work. chkListUserGroup.Attributes.Add("onchange", "document.forms[0].isRecordModified.value='true';"); How to set onchange event for CheckBoxList? ...

DataBound CheckBoxList

Hi, I have a website programmed in Asp.Net and use a ListView for displaying data. The data is coming from a LinqDataSource. In my EditItemTemplate I have a CheckBoxList which consist of: <asp:CheckBoxList runat="server" ID="TypeCheckBoxList" RepeatColumns="2"> <asp:ListItem Value="128">6.-10. klasse<br />Norddjurs vejleder</asp:List...

Semantically Correct HTML Checkbox lists

I've got an HTML checkbox list that I would like to display in the following format: Click all that apply: Title A Title B Option 1 [ ] [ ] Option 2 [ ] [ ] Option 3 [ ] [ ] I'm wondering what t...

ASP.NET having a checkboxlist with my nice checkboxes in a 4x5 grid

I have a checkboxlist which either displays them in a list A B C D or horizontally A B C D I want to arrange them in a nice grid like this A B C D E F G H I J K L How do I do it? ...

ASP.NET C# - How do I set a public property for a CheckBoxList inside a UserControl?

I'm having trouble figuring this out. If I have a checkboxlist inside a usercontrol, how do I loop through (or check, really) what boxes are checked in the list? As I said in the comment below, I'd like to expose the checked items through a property in the control itself. ...

CheckBoxList not updating it's checked/not checked state.

Hey, I have a CheckBoxList that gets populated with the database. When I make any changes to the state (check or uncheck) of a single checkbox, it doesn't get returned when I submit my form. To its simplest form, I have: <asp:CheckBoxList runat="server" ID="listEmployes" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"> </asp:CheckBoxList> C#: protect...

ASP.NET - Between LoadViewState() and OnLoad() Is a Problem

Hi, I have a user control in an UpdatePanel. The user control has CheckBoxList, and can be dynamically created or deleted by UI action. In most cases it works fine. The problem occurs when: The parent page is loaded with one such user control pre-populated, say, with checkbox 'A' checked and checkbox 'B' unchecked. The user control i...

Prevent new render of CheckBoxList

I have an <asp:CheckBoxList> using RepeatLayout="Flow" in my page I dynamically assign values to. If the page is loaded the first time (!IsPostBack), the rendered version looks similar to this; <span children="Cat"> <input id="ctl00_Menu_Category_0" type="checkbox" name="ctl00$Menu$Category$0"/> <label for="ctl00_Menu_Category_0...

How to Get Updates(changed Items) From CheckboxList?

I have a Checkbox list in my page and its datasource set programatically in PreLoad() event: protected void Page_PreLoad() { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { CheckBoxList1.DataSource = NoK.AcceptedNoks((Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey); CheckBoxList1.DataTextField = "FullName"; CheckBoxList1.Data...