
Maven cobertura plugin - one report for multimodule project

Hi, I'm using maven cobertura plugin to report code coverage in my multimodule project. The problem is that I don't know how to generate one report for all modules in project. So far I have generated separate reports for every module, but it would be nice to have one report for whole project. My parent pom configuration: <p...

How to use cobertura

I have downloaded the zip file of version cobertura- But i'm not able find how use the same with my project. Can you please help on this? Thanks in Advance. Regards, Janaki ...

Can't specify Cobertura datafile location for server running under Ant?

I have an Ant build script that instruments some jar files, starts some servers using those jars files and then runs an integration test suite of junit tests against them. I want to capture the cobertura.ser file from each server in a separate file. The servers need to have their working directory set so they can pick up config files. ...

Cobertura with Ant Script : xml/html coverage report always show 0% coverage everywhere

I tried to get Cobertura running inside my ant script. All is successfull (source code building, junit tests, cobertura reports (xml / html); but in html reports, the code coverage is always at 0% ... Ant Script : make-instrument <!-- Make instrument for Cobertura engine --> <target name="make-instrument"> <!-- Remove the coverag...

Grails cobertura plugin is doing code coverage on BuildConfig.groovy

Grails coberatura plugin is doing code coverage on BuildConfig.groovy. I have tried all these configurations on BuildConfiguration to exclude BuildConfiguration from code coverage have tried all these. coverage { exclusions = [ '*/BuildConfig*', 'BuildConfig*', "BuildConfig*", 'BuildConfig', '...