
Transfer-ORM: The property 'siteID' could not be found in the object 'siteUsers.siteUsers'

I'm getting the following Coldfusion error when using Transfer-ORM to map to my Microsoft SQL database. I believe it's caused by a misconfigured transfer.xml file that maps out my linking table. I'm not sure I entirely understand the nuances of the composite id. Do you see the error? Error: The property that was searched for could not ...

ColdFusion 7 Client Calling Asp.NET / WCF Service

ColdFusion 7.0 Client will be passing form data to a web handler , the handler must parse the form data as present in the Request.context all this currently being done I now need to incorporate security between the sender and receiver. The messages must be encrypted and also both the client and the service must mutually authent...

Ecryption Issues

I'm trying to store some enctrypted (short) information in a cookie. I'm generating a short string (around 64 chars), generating the key using generateSecretKey(), and attempting either AES or Blowfish encryption. I've tried the default UUEncoding, Base64, and Hex using the parameters in the encode() and decode() functions. With AES, ...

decoding base64 encoded string with URL escaped characters

I am currently working on importing contacts from windows live contacts(hotmail addressbook). At one stage, the service posts back some data that i need to my page as a base64 encoded string which, as per microsoft documentation, contains url escaped sequences for '&' and '='. The string is thus not standard base64 encoded. The problem ...

How to convert a string representation of a number to a number in coldfusion?

I want to be able to convert a string number such as "1,427.76" to a number in coldfusion but the comma is making it fail. Is there a simple way to do it besides having to remove the comma? <cfset string = "1,427.75"> <cfset number = string * 100> The error occurs when trying to perform mathematical operations on it. If the comma i...

Why doesn't railo read the customtag path like cfmx 6.1 does?

Hello, i am trying to migrate from cfmx61 to railo 3.1. I have customtags in this directory for cfmx61 C:\cfusionmx\customtags\myapp i copied the directory to {railo-web}/customtags/ and added this mapping through the railo administrator and also enabled the "Search subdirectories" setting. I get this error the moment i try to a...

ColdFusion IDE? Visual Studio Plugin?

I just took a web contract to fix up an existing site written in ColdFusion. I haven't had a chance to peak at the code yet, but the site itself is riddled with problems. Anyway, I've never used ColdFusion before, and barely know anything about it. Tutorials shouldn't be too hard to find, but what about an IDE? Is there a nice Visual Stu...

Getting Started with ColdFusion?

I just downloaded ColdFusion Builder (CFB), and now I'm trying to write a simple "Hello World" app. But I need some sort of server first, don't I? Now what exactly am I looking for here? Is "ColdFusion" like a module that would run on top of Apache, or is it a server itself? What's this JRun I see in CFB? Context Root? RDS User Name? I'm...

crop an image from the centre using coldfusion

This is my first bit of programming in quite a while, so I'm basically starting from scratch, and I'm using coldfusion 8. What I'm trying to do is create a series of uniform thumbnail images (always 68 X 46) from a variety of larger images, some portrait, some landscape. In both cases resizing the image to fill the height or width of t...

How to make multi character delimiter in Coldfusion for cfloop?

I have a String variable which has dynamic user entered text EX:- <cfset setPars="SPTO_DATE('04/11/2009 11:59:59 PM', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')SP(L','MN)>' Now If I use SP as the delimiter in CFloop as below <cfloop index="i" from="1" To="#ListLen(setPars,'SP')#"> <br/> #ListGetAT(setPars,i,'SP')# </cfloop> I am ge...

jQuery to populate a 2nd select list

There's a similar question on stackoverflow, but I wanted to ask it again because ColdFusion is different than PHP. I have two select lists, the second one is populated from the first. <cfparam name="form.MajorID" default="0"> <cfform name="myForm" preservedata="yes"> <cfselect name="MajorID" query="qryMajor" display="MajorDisplay" valu...

Can't put file into ram with secure ftp

I'm using coldfusion 9 and I'm trying to grab a file from an ftp site and load it into ram instead of the filesystem. If I try it using a secure ftp connection, it fails with this error: An error occurred during the sFTP getfile operation. Error: C:\JRun4\servers\cfusion\SERVER-INF\temp\cfusion-war-tmp\ram:\test.txt (The filename, dire...

ColdFusion: How to insert numbers( having a 'comma'(,)/ currently iserted as 0) from form fields into the database.

A form field value like 45,234 is to be inserted into the DB as 45234. When I try to do insert for 45,234, all it gets into the DB is 0.Note:- I am able to insert 45.234as 45.234 in the SQL DB. The form field is named costOfShares, which is to be inserted into the table ShareVales (SQL Server 2005). I am using CF8. SQL table:-ShareVa...

Is it a bad idea for multiple ColdFusion applications to use the same client variable store?

We have two ColdFusion applications that share a common database. There are three instances of each application. (One instance of each application runs on each of three servers.) I can see that the three instances of a given application should share a client variable store. (Load-balancing can cause a single user session to bounce ...

CF9 EntityDelete: How to delete entities

If I have an array of entities, whats the easiest way of deleting the entire array of entities (or to put it this way, the entire ORM table)? I have: <cfset allUsers = EntityLoad("User", {}, false)/> Now to delete all the entities, would I use some sort of a loop? If so, how do I access individual entity primary keys within? I tried: ...

Bug in CF9: values for unique struct keys referenced and overwritten by other keys.

We've run into a serious issue with CF9 wherein values for certain struct keys can be referenced by other keys, despite those other keys never being set. See the following examples: Edit: Looks like it isn't just something our servers ate. This is Adobe bug-track ticket 81884:

How do I get the VIM matchit plugin working with ColdFusion and HTML?

I've been attempting to follow the instructions on the Vim wiki to get the matchit plugin working with ColdFusion (*.cfm) files containing both ColdFusion and HTML tags running on MacVim. I've got the syntax file for ColdFusion (cf.vim) installed in $HOME/.vim/syntax/cf.vim, the latest version of matchit installed in .vim/plugin/matchit...

JavaScript variable to ColdFusion variable

I have a tricky one. By means of a <cfoutput query="…"> I list some records in the page from a SQL Server database. By the end of each line viewing I try to add this in to a record in a MySQL database. As you see is simple, because I can use the exact variables from the output query in to my new INSERT INTO statement. BUT: the rsPick....

What is the easiest way of detecting whether assembly targets ordinary .Net, CF or Silverlight?

I found this question already on SO, but it only covers CF, so my question is: how do I detect whether an assembly has been built for ordinary .Net, CF or Silverlight? ...

What is a bound variable?

There is a cffunction (in a cfc document) which authenticates a user. It references a stored procedure and has a cfprocparam which is of type "out". On the Adobe CFML reference it says that means that "the parameter is used to receive data from the database system only. Passes the parameter as a bound variable." What is a bound variable...