
Keep a Select Box Selected after Submit

On my website, user's are allowed to filter games by Genre. When a user chooses a genre from the select box and hits submit, the page uses GET to see what the filter was. Now the filter works fine, the problem is that the select box's selection goes to the default one (Which says "All".) I want it so that after a user submits their filt...

Last item in a bindingSource is not updating a combo box.

I have a combo box bound to a Data Source (clientInfoBindingSource) for its selected item and text, I am using a auto generated Binding Navigator on a different Data Source (totalsBindingSource) and on this.totalsBindingSource.CurrentChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.updateClientInfo); it should update the current object for cli...

How to show group header for items in Silverlight combobox?

I have a combobox in Silverlight, whose itemssource is bound with a CollectionView of CollectionViewSource. I have also added GroupDescription to the CollectionView. Now I need to display the items in ComboBox grouped and also need to display the group header. In WPF, there is ComboBox.GroupStyle where I can define the group header. W...

Dynamically add rows with combox to datagrid (Windows appliction)

I would like to add rows with combobox dynamically to datagrid .The combo box on each row would be filled from different DatSource .Could any body help me on this ? ...

WPF Combobox SelectedIndex

Hi, I am trying to use a WPF combo box to change a timer. Currently, I have in an observable collection 15 mins 30 mins 45 mins. 1 hour. If the user clicks 15 minutes, then a timer will start counting down. But my problem is, once the user clicks 15 minutes, the combo box won't let me pick 15 minutes again to reset it. I have to click...

ComboBox SelectedItem does not change after clearing the observable collection.

Hi, I'm having an issue witha combobox whixh is bounded to an observable collection and I was wondering if anyone can point to what am i missing. I have a combobox which is bounded to a simple ObservableCollection also I bind the selectedIndex in a OneWay binding to some property. In my application i get to a point where i want to clea...

MS Access- Linked Table

i was recently working on a simple dataentry form in ms access which was accessing the table,which is linked to a excel sheet. where i had a first column of type Date/time( Column Name : AllocationTime). I have around 100 rows which has the value '1/14/2010 11:30:38 PM' for all the *100 row*s. I bonded this column to a Combo box, when i...

jQuery Combobox/select autocomplete?

Does a jQuery plug-in exist for replacing select/combo box? I tried SexyCombo, and it is as close to what I want, but it doesn't complete if you are writing from middle, only from beginning. I have 2 levels of categories (20 top level categories, and with subcategories in total 120 categories), so when user is submitting an entry, he m...

WiX Dynamically Populated ComboBox

In WiX I have a vbScript for use in a Custom Action that will return ListItems of Network Printers. I want to use these ListItems to populate the ComboBox at Install Time because I won't know the printer names on the users system until after starting the installation. Here is the vbScript. It currently outputs to a text file pending h...

Issue with a combobox

I've made a new combobox property : readonly. I'm changing the dropdownstyle to simple. There is a small combobox where i only need to see first 2 char. The issue is when i change the dropdownstyle to simple since the text is longer then the space it's always at the end All my property is doing : When you click save it changes the dropd...

Make combobox unselectable? or better UI?

This may seem strange... but I'm wondering if there is anyway to make a combobox non selectable. So it displays as normal, except cannot be selected. I have 3 buttons underneath it, Edit, Cancel, Save. (Cancel + save obviously not enabled) The plan is so when user hits edit, they can change the items in the combo box. I know .IsEnabled...

Disable html rendering in combobox dropdown list

With ExtJs 3.1 My Ext.form.ComboBox is built with a store in which some values are like this : "value1", "<value2>", "value3". The problem is that "<value2>" is interpreted as a HTML tag when the combobox dropdown list is displayed. And i don't want that. Any idea? ...

.NET Custom search on combobox auto-complete

Hi everybody, I have a combobox control in my form. I have enabled autocomplete feature in suggest mode. By default, the control suggests all the strings wich starts with the text the user have introduced. Is there any way to change this behaviour to make the control suggest all the strings wich contains current text? I'm trying to avo...

ItemSource on wpf Combobox getting reset?

I have a combobox setup in xaml and have set the itemsource binding. When i run the project nothing shows up in the combobox. If i inspect it with snoop the itemsource of the combobox is blank. Anyone come across this before? I checked the binding errors this is the error it displays System.Windows.Data Error: 39 : BindingExpression...

Dependent Comboboxes overwriting Data

I have a really weird situation with dependent comboboxes and I am about to pull my hair out!! I have 3 Comboboxes that display data from the selected item in a listview for editing. The DataContext for the UserControl is the Same as the Listbox. When I go select different items on the listbox the data in the 2nd and 3rd combo gets r...

winforms syncronise combobox values

Hello I am trying to syncronise the selectedvalue of a combobox when navigating through records. Setting the combobox.selectedvalue doesnt work. I have tried refreshing the combobox but that doesnt work either. The combobox is databound. Any ideas? ...

Java - Why do component functions call actionPerformed?

In my code, two comboboxes are added to actionListener( this ); In another part of my code, I call a combobox function that sets an index to a certain value. This in turn calls actionPerfoemed again and so getSource == comboBox is true. Every time I call a set function it calls actionPerformed again, creating a stack of function calls t...

WPF Custom Items Control with search support

Hi ! I need to write a custom WPF control that should look like a ComboBox with extended items search feature. For this purpose I'd like to have a TextBox and a Popup with a search TextBox and a ListBox. My first question is if it's a good decision to inherit from Selector, or rather ComboBox ? The second question is where can I find...

WPF IsEditable ComboBox ErrorTemplate

Hello, I have a ComboBox with IsEditable="true". I'm trying to set an error template on the ComboBox. This is my error template that I have in my Window.Resources <ControlTemplate x:Key="error"> <Border BorderBrush="Red" BorderThickness="1"> <AdornedElementPlaceholder x:Name="adorner" /> <...

Detecting TextInput changes on an editable ComboBox in Flex

If my ComboBox is editable how can I tell if a change event comes from a change to the TextInput or a change in the selectedIndex of the drop down? Is there a way to check for this in the event object? ...