
Qt to Postgresql - Native Driver (QPSQL) Compilation

hello, it's been two days, i've checked every solution online i could find but still no help. here's the thing: my os is Windows 7 RC 64 bit. i have Qt 4.5.1 development environment and PostgreSQL 8.3 development libraries (installed via PostgrePlus one-click installer). so i have some dll's and header files, but no "libpq.lib". so acc...

How is C++'s multiple inheritance implemented?

Single inheritance is easy to implement. For example, in C, the inheritance can be simulated as: struct Base { int a; } struct Descendant { Base parent; int b; } But with multiple inheritance, the compiler has to arrange multiple parents inside newly constructed class. How is it done? The problem I see arising is: should the parents ...

Hard to find bug on a custom C++ class

I need help on finding the problem using a custom c++ class to manage 3D positions. Here is the relevant code from the class Punto operator+(Punto p){ return Punto(this->x + p.x, this->y + p.y, this->z + p.z); } Punto operator+(Punto *p){ return Punto(this->x + p->x, this->y + p->y, this->z + p->z); } Punto operator-...

VS2008 internal compiler error

I'm consistently running into an internal compiler error while attempting to switch from MSVC6 to MSVC 2008. After much work commenting out different parts of the program, I've traced the error to two lines of code in two different CPP files. Both of these CPP files compile successfully, yet somehow have an effect on whether or not the...

C# - Value Type Equals method - why does the compiler use reflection ?

I just came across something pretty weird to me : when you use the Equals() method on a value type (and if this method has not been overriden, of course) you get something very very slow -- fields are compared one to one using reflection ! As in : public struct MyStruct{ int i; } (...) MyStruct s, t; s.i = 0; t.i = 1; ...

How does ebook to exe application compile to self-contained executable?

I am trying to understand how various ebook applications compile their output into a self-contained executable file with no dependencies when you run the exe. How can it be done? Do they use real embedded compiler? ...

How do I speed up the gwt compiler?

We're starting to make heavier use of GWT in our projects, and the performance of the GWT compiler is becoming increasingly annoying. We're going to start altering our working practices to mitigate the problem, including a greater emphasis on the hosted-mode browser, which defers the need to run the GWT compiler until a later time, but...

Finite State Machine compiler

What is the best Opensource FSM compiler which can generate c++ code ? ...

Using Cygwin to Compile a C program; Execution error

I'm enrolled in a masters computer science course. The course is using C and the instructor wants us to use Cygwin to compile programs if we are using windows. I've downloaded and installed Cygwin and I've ensured that I've installed the GCC compiler. But I don't know where to go from here. I need to compile a single source file that...

Does C# Collection Initialization Syntax Avoid Default Initialization Overhead

When you use the new C# collection initialization syntax: string[] sarray = new[] { "A", "B", "C", "D" }; does the compiler avoid initializing each array slot to the default value, or is it equivalent to: string[] sarray = new string[4]; // all slots initialized to null sarray[0] = "A"; sarray[1] = "B"; sarray[2] = "C"; sarray[3] = ...

Visual Studio & compile performance issues for large number of files

Our current solutions/projects have several classes combined into one file, I'm told this was done due to the slow compile times in VS. Is this a confirmed problem and solution? Can we break these apart now that we are using VS2008 Team system? Has anyone else separated the classes into different files and still had good performance? ...

cross platform building/compiling solutions

Hi All, For C++/Objective-C Mac, Windows, Linux Most robust compiler/build system? There is GCC and MakeFiles. Intel makes Compilers, but they don't do Objective-C right? I have read that Intel built apps are 30% faster in the math and graphics arenas. MinGW is Windows only? LLVM/Clang doesn't seem prime-time ready. I dont know i...

How can I get dev tools (such as make) for Mac OS X via the command line

Hi guys - I am in a bit of a pickle. I have a few Mac Minis that I am colocating at my ISP and only have shell access (via ssh for example) to administer the boxes. This is fine, but I just realized - after downloading some tar files for a couple of packages I needed - that I don't have the basic dev tools installed (such as make, fo...

Latex Output

When I compile a latex file, it produces also a .txt, .bbl, .aux files. They are not useful as I can delete them without harm. My question is what are these files for and how can I opte not to generate them when I compile the .tex file? ...

PIC16 C compiler

Hi all! I am looking for a good C compiler for the PIC 16 family, working on Windows. A couple of colleagues use bknudc but some seem to dislike it. Apparently you cannot use the linker efficiently, and it turns out that the best is to set all code in include files. SDCC seems nice, but looks like it is still in beta, and not easy to ...

highlight and filter (gcc) compiler messages

Hi, i'm currently refactoring a C-project, throwing about 1000 warnings at me. is there a way to highlight and filter these warnings. (eg make all index warnings red, unused blue, and some other) most likely some ides can do that, but that's no solution for me. ...

VB.NET language and Nothing : why is it the way it is ?

This is a question about the VB.NET language. Since I am using it every day, I just try to understand the motivations behind some of its constructs. I just find out that this line : If myObject Is Nothing then is as correct as this one is : If Nothing Is myObject Then Same results. Using ildasm, we can see that these lines are tra...

C Editor or Compiler for Windows CE

Hello, Someone can please answer to me, if have any Editor or Compiler to C language for Windows CE 3.1( Jornada 720 - HPC 2000 ), because i'm a Visual Basic developer and i have buyed a book of C only for play with this language in my free time, and the time that is free to me i'm using my Jornada 720, but remember that i've want somet...

Problems with pointers when building a Pascal compiler in C

Hello guys I'm facing some problems on the lexical analysis of my compiler I had declared the following pointer char *words[29]={ "program", "label", "integer", "word", "char", "byte", "shortint", "logint", "real", "single", "double", "string", "boolean", "var", ...

Problems to use pointers within a compiler

I'm trying to complete an analexical validation but I'm facing some trouble with pointers, this is my code case 6: c = next_carac(file); for(handle=0;(words[handle] != "NULL");handle++) { strcpy(message, words[handle]); if(!strcmp(token,message)) strcpy(message, "words"); } if(isdigit(c) && strcmp(message,"word...