
Change a child Component using a JPanel reference?

Hi. I have a JPanel panel with a bill designed and populated inside it. I passed it to a printer function - which used iText to save it to a pdf. The basic flow of code is like this. void printToPdf(JPanel panel) { ... Image toEmbed = generateImage(panel); doc.add(toEmbed) ... } Now, according to the new requireme...

Switching between indeterminate ProgressBar and Image in ViewSwitcher

I received the following error when attempting to switch between a ProgressBar and an Image using a viewSwitcher: 07-30 18:08:00.627: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(307): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException 07-30 18:08:00.627: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(307): at android.view.ViewGroup.addView( 07-30 18:08:00.627: ERROR/And...

Desigining a new Joomla component

I've very less experience in Joomla. I'm going to create a joomla component. I've heard about the MVC structure in component development. What is the best method to follow? 1)Using simple component development or 2) using MVC Is there any problems if I uses the first one? ...

Hide the menu area for certain components

I'm designing a joomla component and I wants to hide all the items from the side menu only for a specific component page. Is it possible in Joomla? if yes How can I do it? ...

Struct vs namespace for C++ component based design

We have a component based C++ design, where each component is comprised of a public outer class that is used to group component interfaces. Each interface is defined as a nested class as shown below. struct ComponentContainer { class InterfaceClass_1 : public ComponentInterface { public: virtual ~InterfaceClass_1 (...

Using IMessageFilter not working under windows 7 64bit (C#, .net 2.0)

Hi, We are working on a USB device program. Following code snippet is my UsbComponent class. It works fine under windows XP or even windows 64 32bit. But under windows 7 64bit, PreFilterMessage never gets entered whenever I plugin/remove our USB device. Did I miss anything to make following code working under windows 7 64bit? using Sys...

Which of the actively developed Delphi components still support Kylix ?

I've been reading about CrossKylix recently, but for most uses one has to consider 3rd party components. So I would like to know which of the actively developed components still support Kylix. Many added partial or complete Kylix support back in the day, but I'm affraid some never kept updating, and the IFDEF-ed parts that compile with ...

Flex 3 - Custom tab navigator

Hello Community! I'm trying to create a custom tab navigator that has to look like . Also, when there's a rollover, the borders of the arrow have to be in blue (like the label in the current tab). For that purpose, I've created a custom component: a hbox containing a label and a canvas with 3 images inside (for the arrow tip that has...

Building a GUI for a Sudoku Solver (Complete with ASCII Example)

. OVERVIEW, SAMPLE Hello everyone, I have created a basic Sudoku solver that can solve most problems fairly quickly. I still have a lot of work ahead of me to make it solve even the hardest problems, but I'd like to try to implement a basic JFrame GUI first. I have worked with internet applets in the past, but never before with JFram...

Can't create params for custom component

I'm currently working on a custom joomla component but I fail to get the component wide parameters to work. The joomla docs say that if you add to your 'myComponent.xml' file, the parameter should appear in the _components table. I do see my component but there are no params there. Is there anything I should know? Or anything I m...

in Flex, how to check if a component exists or not

In flex, How can I check if a component exists? ...

Programatically creating menu hiearchy in Joomla

Hi, Let's say that I have a vast quantity of restaurant reviews in a database -- not Joomla articles, just database tables. I want to display these restaurant reviews as part of a Joomla 1.5 web site. I can write a component to display each review. That part is fine. But rather than listing the reviews as a list on a page, I want to us...

C# Getting a component's values at runtime?

I'm attempting to create a NotifyIcon that can be inherited so that I can add my own properties/etc. Through looking at a component class someone else wrote, I've made some progress as can be seen below, and the component can be dragged into the form. To be honest, I have little idea on what I'm doing, and there appears to be no tutorial...

Where should I place downloadable files for my component?

I am developing a Joomla Component which will allow visitors to download a sound file (be it mp3, or wave, does not matter). Those files are managed in the admin interface and can be unpublished in there. Therefore, it seems that placing them in the assets section is not an option, as it would make them accessible directly from the serv...

How to Send Info From a Flex 3 Component?

Hi, I need some help with sending info from a component. I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm using Alex Uhlmann's flip card class (Distortion Effects). I've got a card that has 3 faces. When the user clicks the button, it fires a change event, and in the main application, the change event calls a function, flipTo, that flips the card. Th...

In flex, how to get global coordinate position of a component?

In flex, how to get global coordinate position of a component? ...

Open source component or unit for exporting Delphi TDataSet to native XLS without Excel installed

Do you possibly know about the existence of a free and open sourced Delphi code to export TDataSet to native XLS format? The question was previously asked here, yet I am looking for a free solution. As observed in for example TeeChart.TeeStore.TSeriesDataXLS.SaveToStream writing a native XLS export function is not a rocket science, yet ...

.NET Web browser component that allow you to capture the GET and POST data

I'd like to develop an .NET application, where you navigate in a website and the app records the GET and POST data you send to the server, so later on you can reproduce it programatically. I've been taking a look on the WinForm's WebBrowser component but I see no way to get the POST data I'm sending. Do you know of any component (even ...

Good Library for Creating E-mail Templates with Merge Ability

I'm looking for a really good library/component/framework for creating e-mail templates for my web application. We send out a number of e-mails on a regular basis: Activate Your Account Welcome Thanks for Your Order Etc. I'd like to give the non-technical administrators of my web app a way to: See the current e-mail template (HTML...

Java Swing add/remove jButtons on runtime

My application has a module which allows the user to add jButtons on the jLayeredpane during runtime. I want to add action listeners to this dynamically added contents and also i have to provide access to delete the dynamically added buttons during runtime. Is there any way to do this ? private Map<String, JButton> dynamicButtons; publ...