
ClearCase time and query

This config-spec show the files I need: element -dir * '{version(/main/LATEST) && !version(SLT-T)}' element -file * '{version(/main/LATEST) && !version(SLT)}' Now I need to see how the source looked at some point in the future, so I do this: time 01-Nov-2008 element -dir * '{version(/main/LATEST) && !version(SLT-T)}' element -file * ...

Is it possible to use variables in a ClearCase config spec?

For example, instead of writing the following: element * .../my_branch_01/LATEST element * .../base_branch/LATEST -mkbranch my_branch_01 I would want to write something like this: MY_BRANCH=my_branch_01 element * .../%MY_BRANCH%/LATEST element * .../base_branch/LATEST -mkbranch %MY_BRANCH% Is this even possible? What is the correc...

ClearCase Snapshot Views: exclude one particular directory from load statements?

Good morning, is there any way to exclude only one particular directory from a snapshot's load statement, e.g. I want to load a whole vob named '*PM_CT*' except the \PM_CT\lost+found directory ... is there an elegant way to do it? And how would I generally exclude all lost+found directories across multiple loaded vobs? Cheers and Tha...

ClearCase config spec selection based on element attribute

In a ClearCase config spec, is it possible to select versions based on element attributres (not version attributes)? For instance: element * ...{SOME_ELEM_ATTR==SOME_VALUE&&lbtype(MY_LABEL1)} This doesn't work because the last part of the "element" spec is a version-selector, which only looks at version attributes. What I'm trying t...