
Is there anyway to access the DotNet 4.0 Class library without downloading the entire CTP VPC

I want to check out the new DotNet 4.0 System.Numberic namespace for a project I am working on. The only info I can find is the CTP VPC download on microsoft connect. I do not want the entire vs2010 package, I just need the System.Numeric assembly so i can run some tests on it. Does anyone hava any ideas or maybe has the VPC and can se...

f# ctp question

What does the ctp stand for/ do if I want to start playing with f#. Is it something I can use to install in vs2008? What about express? ...

Open template files in Dreamweaver

How do I open up the template files in Dreamweaver, without having to go through all the "open with" process? I've had problems getting this to work properly in Vista 64-bit, but have had this working in prior versions of Windows, so I know it's possible. I'm working with CakePHP, so it uses the "ctp" extension, but I'm sure other frame...

SQL Azure CTP Invitation code

What is a SQL Azure CTP Invitation code? ...

What is the new name of Microsoft.Data.Entity.Ctp?

Hello Everyone I'm playing around with Entity Framework 4 and code only. The tutorial I'm following is using the Beta-Version of Visual Studio 2010 and is referring to Microsoft.Data.Entity.Ctp. Since I'm working with the final release of Visual Studio the name of the dll must have changed. Can somebody tell me how its name is now? Che...

Using MySql with Entity Framework 4 and the Code-First Development CTP

I thought I'd experiment a bit with Scott Guthrie's latest post on code-first dev with Entity Framework 4. Instead of using Sql Server, I'm trying to use MySql. Here are the relevant parts of my web.config (this is an Asp.Net MVC 2 app): <connectionStrings> <add name="NerdDinners" connectionString="Server=localhost; Databas...

Code First Entity Configuration ToTable Problem

If I specify ToTable in the OnModelCreating override like so: protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) { modelBuilder.Entity<Team>() .MapSingleType() .ToTable("my_teams"); } it creates dbo.my_teams, however if I separate it out into classes like so: public class TeamMap : EntityConfiguration<Te...

Code First Entity Framework 4 : Failing with SQL Authentication

I'm working with Entity Framework 4 and CTP 4 and am really liking it so far. I can get it working correctly when I'm using Windows Authentication to connect to the database but when I switch to SQL Authentication it fails with the message below. I've given the user a sysadmin role and it's default database is master. Error: This...

Entity Framework CTP4 Mapping Error

Hi. I was messing around with CTP4 trying to get a feel of how mapping works and i've got this error that i can't figure out. {"A dependent property in a ReferentialConstraint is mapped to a store-generated column. Column: 'OwnerID'."} I read around that this was due to my pk being auto generated, but i do not specifically s...

ADO.Net EF4 CTP Release - New Project

Hi all, I am starting on a new large project and I'd like to use EF4 for the data layer stuff, mainly for the POCO mappings feature. Am I a fool for stating work against a CTP release? Should I wait for the RTM? Given my project will likley take 12 months, could the RTM be out by the end of my project? I'm sure others have been in the...

SQL Compact Edition 4.0 CTP1 needs Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Libraries SP1

SQL Compact Edition 4.0 CTP1 needs Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Libraries SP1 and if SQL CE is deployed privately in the application’s BIN folder the following have to be present on the machine for it to function properly: a. Installing the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 also installs the Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Libraries SP1. b. Or insta...

EF CTP4 lazy loading not playing ball

I'm using the CTP4 code first EF framework, but I'm having problems getting lazy loading to work. Reading up on it, it should be simple, but it's just not public class Folder { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int? ParentFolderId { get; set; } public virtual IList<Folder> ChildFolders...