
Android: how do you mix and match colors, styles, and sizes in a single view?

Is it possible to style a single, say, TextView in Android with multiple alternating styles, colors, and sizes? Think inline HTML or CSS but in the Android world. As an extreme, to demonstrate the point, let's say I wanted to have a word "CIRCUS" with each letter a being different color. Do I have to create 6 TextViews for this or can t...

Designing UserInterface for LOB App in Silverlight

Hi, I'd like to know what's now modern and trendy at designing user interface in business apps? My old Windows apps used modal windows very often. For instance there's a list/datagrid of invoices. User wants to add a new invoice, then empty invoice form modal window popups, then user can select an existing customer in another modal form...

Design or implementaion ?

How do you differentiate between design decisions vs implementation decisions ? To give a specific example: We are developing some web services which will integrate our application with another One of the question I asked was- do we want the integration between the two applications to by asynch or sync ? Someone suggested that its an ...

slider that also magnifies around cursor

It can be difficult to use (webpage) sliders that cover a large range with fine granularity. On the one hand, it is easy to move across the range. On the other hand, it is difficult to locate the exact point one wants, assuming a fine enough granularity. I was thinking that a magnify effect around the cursor could solve this problem (a...

C# Create Snap To Grid Functionality

I am trying to create some snap to grid functionality to be used at run time but I am having problems with the snapping part. I have successfully drawn a dotted grid on a panel but when I add a label control to the panel how to I snap the top, left corner of the label to the nearest dot? Thanks ...

When should i use properties instead of object references?

For example if i have an Author class and a book class independently. We all know an author writes a book. What i would love to know when it's best to include the book as a reference object in the Author class or just include the book name? The reason for this question ties mainly to flexibility and easy maintenance. Update: What des...

abstract class and using array polymorphically

i'm just reading meyers "More Effective C++ 35 New Ways" - item 33, and he suggest there always to inherit from an abstract base class, and not a concrete. one of the reason he claims, which i can't quite get , is that with inheriting from an abstract class, treating array polymorphically (item 3 in the book) is not a problem. can some...

Is an integrated help/advisor UI design the best way to implement a workflow?

I'd like some feedback, and opinions on the following approach to UI design: We're working on an application that implements a series of industry-standard protocols. Each protocol dictates (very rigidly) how the user should perform the task at hand, from setup to collect data, to collecting the data, data entry and validation, analysis ...

MVP pattern user controls, presenter question

Hi Experts, I am going to start a website, where We want to implement MVP pattern. One of our page is broken into small user controls so they are used to edit or display information. But later on we save the whole information from the main page. Also during the load time, the information is sent from the main page to the controls. If...

An application design question.

Hello! I'm developing a Windows Mobile 5.0 or above application with .Net Compact Framework 2.0 SP2 and C#. I have to libraries: one to access SQL Server CE and the other with Custom Controls. When I retrieve data from SQL Server I use structs to return them. These structs are defined on library one. My problem is that these data is ...

calling a method in which way?

I want to make connection between two parts of my program which can be located in departed places. I have some choices for making this connection: using PRC/RMI: in every request a calling method will send to second part using normal function call using queue(in memory):every request will be placed in a queue and second part will get t...

Things to consider when exposing data as information according to XML

I understand that this is a broad question but I'd appreciate some input on this. I want to know what are some important aspects to consider when a team decides to expose their data to the outside world. This will have to be done via webservices right? I believe security and network latency would be the biggest points but then are t...

Design question - servlets, jsps, custom tags, html

Hi, I am new to servlets and jsps. I wanted to know what the best design would be for a sample problem I am trying to write code for. Here goes - I want to create a web site ( that just lists the login history of every user (not any functionility any one wants but just an example for the sake of one). So there are two...

Why are circular dependencies considered harmful?

Why is it a bad design for an object to refer to another object that refers back to the first one? ...

Displaying a TON of images with jquery

I am about to embark on a jquery journey I have not ever done. I will be developing a site that has one objective : to display over 300 uncategorized images (artwork). I'm just trying to think about the best way to go about displaying all these images in an easy to navigate, elegant way. I could use thumbnails and lightbox, but that's bo...

website mock up, is pdf good?

Pdf format can be layered as psd file, so it's handy to cut for html purpose, what I need to know is if working on pdf file instead of psd can have some problem of quality loss or placemente or something. I'm asking just because it's seems a pretty unusual format to me and i'm strongly in love with best practice. Obviously I'm not a de...

UI question: Designing for widescreen and 4:3 aspect ratios simultaneously?

I'm working on a UI which needs to work in different aspect ratios, 16:9, 16:10, 4:3 The idea is conceptually simple: Everything is centered to the screen in a rough 4:3 area and anything outside this portion of screen has basic artwork, so something like this: (not drawn to scale) Where the pink area represents whre all the UI objec...

How to display changed fields

Hi, I am working on Audit Trail for my project and I have been asked to think of how can we display the fields which have changed between two versions. I have the list of changed fields I am looking for suggestions on how to display the fields so that user can easily find out: which fields have changed what was the old and new value ...

Auditing desktop application user and securing access to a desktop application

Question is about providing auditing (who used the application, when) and securing (who can launch the application - no fine grain control or data security) a desktop application developed you. What would you prefer? Have an authentication mechanism built into your application If using this option, we have to include user and passwo...

concurrency in threads and synchronization

Transaction processor is a part of switch which is used for banking job.(shown in picture below) ![alt text][1] which aspects of this part should be considered in designing? I mean concurrency needs.for example for threads. when a new thread should be created for answering a request and when have to be deleted?how can I reduce overhead ...