
What's Your Complete Tool Stack for Java Web Development and Why?

My Team recently embarked on our first real Java web app. Prior to this, our corporation was primarily a COBOL shop with some VB and C thrown in. Recently, new blood's been injected, including me and a few others who by education are primarily experienced with Java but none of us have really done this full blown and for real at this po...

mini laptop development tools recomendations

I have Acer 1 mini laptop that I use on the road. What development tools (ide's, frameworks) are recommended so it will be still light? I'm programming mainly in Java and C++, with XP installed. ...

Renting development machines by the hour using remote access

I am thinking about getting an iPhone, but there are no good solutions for developing iPhone applications on the Windows platform. I don't own or have easy access to a Mac. Were my position switched, I know I could at minimum rent a VPS and do Windows work using RDP or VNC. As limited as the Windows VPS machines are, one can still run a...

How do you replicate your developer PC setup on multiple machines?

Let's say I have a development PC at my work, another development PC at my home, and a tiny netbook PC that I often carry with me. Since these PCs have the same operating systems, the problem of portability doesn't exist. But...with a similar setup, how do you manage to keep the installed applications the same or nearly the same on these...

How to build BlackBerry application on Linux?

I've read on some development blogs that it is nearly to impossible to build BlackBerry application properly on operating systems other than Windows. Any possible workarounds on veryfication, rapc usage etc may result in serious and hidden bugs. Please, share your knowlenge of the subject. ...

Tools to package with distributable for easy debugging?

We are looking for a set of free Windows tools that can be put in a "tools" directory and distributed with our applications, so that when we encounter an issue on a customer site we can diagnose it without having to copy the log files over to another machine. Here's what we've come up with so far: Notepad++ BareGrep BareTail WinMerge ...

.NET Reflector for Mono

Is there an equivalent of .NET Reflector for Mono? Quick googling did not find anything... Or can I run Reflector on Mono (say, in Mac OS X)? ...

What tools are indispensable for programming in a certain language?

I've recently been implementing my own programming language, mostly to get a feel for what it takes and hopefully to understand quirks of other languages better. I've mostly finished the language itself, so, since I like this project, I'd like to write some development tools for it. What tools would you consider indispensable? For now, ...

Online tools to help application development

Hi, Not sure if this has been done before, but I think it will be a good idea to get a list of (free) online tools available that help application development. By 'online tools', I mean in-browser applications which require no extra downloads. I always seem to stumble upon cool applications (often after I needed it), so I thought it w...

Is it bad practice to use two SVN clients at the same time ?

I am currently using Tortoise SVN and a SVN plugin from my IDE. Sometime problems appear, and it seems that my .svn aren't always in a consistent state. So is a bad practice to use two SVN clients ? (looking from a practical approach). Do you have links related to SVN best practices ? Thank you. ...

How do I create a development tool to create custom object instances for iphone os

I'm setting out to create an app where it will use 7-10 instances of a custom class, lets call them "books" each class will consist of a number of pages, a title, a int of how many pages a book contains and possibly some notes of the author associated with a specific page. My question is what is the best way of creating these objects. i...

Options to develop professionally with Microsoft tools and Technologies without spending a lot?

I would like to develop applications for the Windows platform & at the very least I need a server based Windows OS (2008), SQL Server, IIS and Visual Studio. Looks like VS2010 professional alone will cost over $1K. Is there a cheaper option to get hold of Microsoft software? I remember long time ago there was an MSDN subscription option ...

How to fix “No newline at end of file” compiler warning for lots of files

I have a huge number of source files that are all lacking a newline at the end. How do I automatically add a newline to the end of each of them? Some may already have a newline, so it should only be added if necessary. I'm probably not looking for code, per se, but just something I can run in Terminal to add the necessary newlines (or ...

What are the most useful Runtime tools for exercising and debugging code in the wild?

Hi, After a product is released, we have the need to execute or debug code that has been deployed to the live environment. I tend to use PowerShell to create objects and invoke public functions rather than writing small test applications in C# to perform integration testing on the deployment platform. For debugging, when the source cod...

How to create visual development tools usable by an end user?

For instance, Google's App Inventor for Android is aimed to serve non-programmers. Are there any researches on this matter, which deal with the following questions: Real tests, showing to what extent such tools can be really usable by end users. What are tips and tricks in creating such a tools? Thanks. ...

What development tools are available for a user to use that doesn't require an installation (admin rights)?

Hi everyone, Got a nice new laptop for work but unfortunately I don't have any admin rights to install anything on it. I'm an amateur developer and would like to utilize the laptop at home to do some fun coding on the side (and to learn). What tools are available out there that I can use that won't require an installation or elevated pr...

jQuery bookmarklet for selectors

It should work like this: Fire a bookmarklet Select the first element by clicking Select the second element It outputs a series of jQuery calls which would allow selecting the second element given a reference to a first element (i.e. using relative positions of the two elements in a DOM tree). Is there such a bookmarklet (or browser ...