
Why isn't manager attribute changing on distinguished name modification in Sun Directory Server 6.3?

Hi. I have a problem with manager attribute in Sun Directory Server. I set this attribute for a user in the directory, e.g. cn=testmanager,dc=test,dc=com and when I change manager's dn this change is not propagated in manager attributes. For example: I have two users: dn: cn=testmanager,dc=test,dc=com and dn: cn=testperson,dc=tes...

Choosing between a directory server (a.k.a LDAP database) and an RDBMS

In my project, where I'm the lead developer, we earlier had a network configuration that was stored a single XML file. The configuration contains info about a network layout - its constituent hosts, various details about each host like OS, platform, users configured in each them, several attributes for each user and so on. In the forthco...