
Getting a directory tree with Jabaco?

Given that Jabaco is VB-alike on the surface but Java underneath, can any suggest how to get a directory tree? I think it's got something to do with DirSearch() but as I have no background in Java, I can't think how. ...

Storing Directory Hierarchy in a Key-Value Data store?

What is a clean/efficient method for storing the directory Hierarchy/tree in a Key-Value database (in my case MongoDB but any of them). For example a tree structure - Cars + Audi + BMW - M5 + Ford - Color + Red - Apple - Cherry + Purple - Funny The method I am using now, each object links to it's p...

how can this src vs. build tree timestamp comparison be faster? (bash)

for n in `cd src; find . -name "*.java"; cd -`; do a=`echo $n | cut -d '.' -f2`; if [[ src/$ -nt build/$a.class ]]; then echo src/$; fi; done It lists all the java files in the src tree; then for each one, it removes the suffix ".java" (cut -d '.' -f2 because find . output is prefixed with .). It then uses -nt to ...

PHP SPL RecursiveDirectoryIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator retrieving the full tree

how can i retrieve the full directory tree using SPL ? ...