
JQuery: Why Unobtrusive JavaScript / Document Ready function rather than OnClick event?

I've just started looking at JQuery. I don't have any AJAX in my web application at present. My existing JavaScript in my HTML looks like: <form ...> <p>Find what? <input ...></p> <div class="ButtonArray"> <a href="AddRecord.ASP&amp;Action=ADD">ADD</a> <a href="#" onClick="return MyFormSubmit();">FIND</a> </div> </form> This disp...

jQuery: $(document).ready() too slow in IE.

What would be the preferred way of hiding an element before the page is rendered? $(document).ready() works just fine for firefox, but sometimes (connection to the server seems to be a major issue in this) it lags a little behind in internet explorer; the element is shown, and hidden shortly after wards. That is: the page is rendered be...

Four variations of jQuery ready() -- what's the difference?

I've seen four different ways to tell jQuery to execute a function when the document is ready. Are these all equivalent? $(document).ready(function () { alert('$(document).ready()'); }); $().ready(function () { alert('$().ready()'); }); $(function () { alert('$()'); }); jQuery(function ($) { alert('jQuery()'); }); ...

Is checking for the readiness of the DOM overkill?

I'm developing a platform for developing desktop apps with web technologies. In the course of doing so I've been trying to get some document/on-ready functionality working with the browser I will be integrating into the platform. That's why I'd previously asked this this question here on SO: javascript-framework-that-primarily-provides...

Using DOMContentReady considered anti-pattern by Google

A Google Closure library team member asserts that waiting for DOMContentReady event is a bad practice. The short story is that we don't want to wait for DOMContentReady (or worse the load event) since it leads to bad user experience. The UI is not responsive until all the DOM has been loaded from the network. So the prefe...

jQuery: document ready fires too early for my requirements..

Hey there guys, I am developing a site based all around photos. Some areas of this site require calculations based on image dimensions in order to work correctly. What i have found is that document ready is firing too early and my gui is behaving erratically as a result. I removed the document ready function and replaced it with the go...

Run functions on elements with a certain class as soon as the DOM is loaded, not using an event handler

I have a simple function which I want to run on all elements with a certain class. I want this function to be run as soon as the DOM is loaded; not upon an event handler. Below is the code that will run on an event handler like hover. How do I make it run as soon as the DOM is loaded? $(document).ready(function(){ var displayname ...

Is there a NotReadyFunction in jQuery?

Hi, Is it possible to check if the document is not ready and execute a function periodically in jQuery? Simply I would like to achieve something like : $('document').isNotReady(function(){ $('#divState').text('Still Loading'); }); $('document').Ready(function(){ $('#divState').text('Loaded'); }); Is there a built-in fun...

JQuery Accordian: Understanding header links

I am trying to learn JQuery and having some difficulty understanding the process. I read through several posts, and maybe it's my weak understanding of javascript that's the hindrance, but I'm wanting to learn. My goal is to use the Accordion UI for a menu system; to have the main menu items (#sidebar ul.accordion li a .opener .selected ...

Flash AS3 ExternalInterface call to function inside jQuery document ready

From a button in Flash I just want to call a function written in jQuery.When I place the function outside jQuery's $(document).ready it works fine: *btw I use SWFObject to embed Flash. AS3: import flash.external.ExternalInterface; function test_fnc(event:Event):void {"jsFunction", "hello world"); } test_mc.a...

Google AJAX Libraries CDN for jQuery

I have a page where I need SWFObject, jQuery and Google Maps API. I thought that I could use the benefits of using: <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("jquery", "1.4.1"); google.load("swfobject", "2.2"); google.lo...

Watch for Creation of Specific Element (by id) with JQuery?

I am going to be loading a swf into a div tag when the user initiates some action. The div tag's id is container, the embedded swf's tag id will be swf_content. I want to be able to set a variable to that swf_content tag when it is loaded. So something like: $("#swf_content").ready(function() { SWF = $("#swf_content").get(0); }) ...

jQuery(document).ready doesn't run under IIS7

To simplify this test case, I created a new default .NET MVC project in Visual Studio 2010, and added the following code to the HTML header in Site.Master: <script type="text/javascript" src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function () { alert('jQuery document ready'); })...

jQuery, Hiding elements on ready is always jumping on page load. how can this be avoided?

This is the code. I can't apply display:none; $(document).ready(function() { $("#LeftNav li.navCatHead").not(":first").siblings("li").hide().end().end().first().addClass("open"); }); ...

jquery ready function: script not detecting a function

There is a web page with place holder (a normal div). Via ajax calls I am loading a <form> and a <script> into the place holder. The script contains necessary javascript to initialize the form (i.e. for e.g. disable the controls so as to make form read-only, etc). Here is a piece of code I have; it works, but the commented part doesn't w...

if $(document).not-ready()? How can I check if the page is still loading with Jquery?

I want to call a function only if the document is still loading.. how can I? ...

Using jQuerys document.Ready function to attach events to elements

Normal style <a href="#" id="myLink" onclick="myFunc();">click me</a> function myFunc() { alert('hello!'); } jQuery style <a href="#" id="myLink">click me</a> $(document).ready(function() { $("#myLink").click(function() { alert('hello!'); }); }); I've just started using jQuery, but I'm wondering what the diffe...

When to use dom:loaded / document.ready events

When I use methods that "append" data to existing elements using prototype/jquery, is it a good practice to wrap such logic inside document.observe("dom:loaded", foo)/$(document).ready(foo) functions? ...

JQUERY iFrame, Works with an Alert, doesn't work without an Alert - Strange? Why

The following does not work on my page: $("#bob").ready(function () { $("#bob").contents().find(".findme").css("background", "red"); $(document.getElementById('bob').contentWindow.document).find('.findme').bind("mousedown", function() { alert( $(this).text() ); }); }); But if I add an Alert, which I assume adds s...

jQuery's ready queue $(foo) and $(bar) will run in sequence or run in parallel?

If there are 2 or 3 or 20 statements using jQuery's $(function() { ... }) to add functions to be executed when the DOM is ready, will all those functions run in parallel or run in sequence? ...