
subversion python bindings documentation?

Where can I find a good introduction to using the subversion python bindings? I found one section in the svnbook that talks about it; and some basic examples from 1.3. Is there something a bit more thorough and up-to-date? ...

Understanding Microsoft's Code Libraries

I'd like to learn what various code libraries, which I think are all Microsoft's, do. Example libraries include atls.lib, atlsd.lib, libcmtd.lib, libcpmtd.lib. Would you point me to a good online reference or other way to learn about these libraries? Clarification: I'm hoping to find an index of sorts for learning about Microsoft librar...

What is the meaning of #XXX?

I have seen this a lot in code, even vim marks it as a special case. #TODO and #FIXME are two other fix markers vim highlights but what does #XXX means? ...

A UML way to describe a key/value datastore ?

Hi all, I'm currently writing the documentation for a database using berkeleyDB. I'd like to draw UML diagram describing the keys and the values of the datastores. Is there a 'standard' way to describe this kind of database using UML ? Thanks ...

how should the internal modifier be classified in code regions

As part of a project I am working on I have been asked to split all the code in classes into regions eg: #region public methods #endregion public methods #region public properties #endregion public properties #region private methods #endregion private methods #region private properties #endregion private properties How should I cla...

Is there a javadoc replacement that uses a Wiki-like syntax?

Is there a tool replacing javadoc with something that is more Wiki-style syntax instead of the HTMLish syntax of normal JavaDoc? One of my problems is that I mostly read JavaDoc in source form. Even for external libraries I try to have the source attached so I can navigate into it from my IDE, checking the documentation above the entry ...

Where can I find c-repl documentation?

I've just come across the Ubuntu c-repl package which provides a REPL interface for C programming. Great! It is quite excellent for trying snippets and ideas, and intuitive to use. I love it. But there is no documentation at all, and I'd like to find out more about how to drive it. Example: > int foo( double x ) { return x+0.5;} > foo(...

FLOSS sequence diagram programme?

I want to create some sequence diagrams. Is there a good FLOSS tool for creating good sequence diagrams? Preferably I'd like something that takes some sort of simple text input and spits out a pdf/ps/png/svg. The less manual work I need to do aligning arrows and lines the better. Bonus points if it's in ubuntu's standard package manager...

Best tools/pratices for documenting a WebAPI (WebServices and Restful)

I'm about to write an WebService / Restful API that I intend for public usage. I know that I'm probably opening a Pandora's box, but I'm looking for suggestions on the best documentation tools and practices. I'm going to write all the documentation [hooks] first, then code it later. This is personal, so free tools is really the only o...

Documenting a software product (as opposed to bespoke systems)

Hey all, As a software shop, we are well accustomed to delivering bespoke applications and solutions based on individual client requirements. For each system, we generally prepare the following documentation (with variations based on the specifics of the job): Vision and scope Requirements specification Detailed design Project specifi...

Is reading library implementations a wasted or well spent time ?

I'm reading STL and Qt implementation now. The bits I need. And I ask question about things I don't understand. And I get some negative comments about that. I consider it a well spent time. In both cases I'm learning usable idioms. If some code seems to be overcomplicated (very often the case) I learn the reasons of it. I learn how to ...

Tools that help with acronyms and jargon in software requirement documents

Are there any tools that would help with reading software requirement documents that contain a mix of domain specific and company specific acronyms and jargon. In particular I was looking for a tool that would allow me to view Acrobat or Microsoft Word documents and make it easier to understand acronyms and other jargon. This could be do...

In Uml sequence diagram, shall we include private functions of a class?

In Uml sequence diagram, shall we include private functions of a class? ...

What, if any, documentation should be written before quitting a job?

I'm involved in a project where it's in a state that works well for the client, but ultimately needs a lot of intricate supplementary work for future success. If I left tomorrow, the other developers here (well, all but one of them, but he's working on something else) would have a difficult time managing what's been accomplished already,...

python win32 extensions documentation

I'm new to both python and the python win32 extensions available at but I can't find any documentation online or in the installation directories concerning what exactly the win32 extensions provide. Where is this information? ...

Cross-platform help viewer with search functionality

I am looking for a help viewer like Windows CHM that basically provides support for adding content in HTML format define Table of Contents decent search It should work on Windows, Mac and Linux. Bonus points for also having support for generating a "plain HTML/javascript" version that can be viewed in any browser (albeit without sea...

Documentation for implementors of COM interfaces

I'm in the process of doing some COM interop from a C# application and I can't seem to find the answer to this. I was wondering where I could find in the Win32 documentation which concreate implementions that exists of a COM interface. For example I know (thanks to goodgle) that IShellLinkW is implemented by a class that's identified by...

How To create a UML diagram for Source Code Files?

I have one scenario That our program output will generate two source code files as ABC.c (1 code file) ABC.h (1 header file) these two files will be added to many other external programs and exe of those programs will be created Now my issue is for drawing a deployment diagram for those source code files, how can i display this sce...

While preparing a gantt chart, which things we should take care?

In software developement project.. While preparing a gantt chart, which things we should take care? ...

JavaDoc to (Doku)Wiki conversion / doclet

Our company has a very large public Java API which is currently being released standalone and online using (of course) JavaDoc. It is surrounded by product documentation which links into the API. We are moving our static documentation to DokuWiki - which works pretty good - and want to keep the links. Now it would be good to have a me...