
Is there any way to group edit buttons in MediaWiki?

Is there any way to group the edit buttons displayed above the edit dialog in MediaWiki? By grouping, I mean like Word does (and even this editor) - you can add dividing lines to group them so that e.g. Bold and Italic are in one group, numbered list and bullet points in another. We've added lots of new buttons (in EditPage.php) and th...

Simple 3D Editor/Viewer

I'm looking for an application, which could be able to load bunch of points in space, render them and be able to simple 3D operations (select such point, rotate & move viewport). The source has to be available, as I want to use it as basis for my own application. ...

Problem using Winforms WebBrowser control as editor

I am currently working on a project where I am using a WebBrowser control as an editor. I have design mode turned on and it seems to be working. The issue im having is when I try to save the Document and load another it pops up the "This document has been modified." message. What I am trying to do is as simple as this if (frontPage) { ...

Ada with Visual studio

Hi, I'm just starting to learn Ada and was wondering if an editor like MVS 2008/2010 can be used? Will MVS detect the GNAT compiler? I have the GNAT GPL compiler but find the GPS editor hard to use (much less intuitive than the MVS editor). The tutorial doesn't explain well how to create a project in GPS. I'm currently using AdaGIDE whi...

What do I need to know to create a source code editor?

Say I want to create a source code editor for ocaml programming language, where do I start? I am looking to create an editor for the Windows platform as a hobby project. My primary skill is in web development. I have developed windows apps long time ago. I have no clue how it is done with todays available tools. I have visual studio 2008...

Delphi 2010 - Source files randomly become read-only in editor?

Does anyone else have this problem or is my Delphi cursed somehow? I'll have a bunch of forms and files open in tabs in the editor and I'll be typing away and then suddenly everything stops - my .pas file has, seemingly at random, become read-only. Sometimes I can just right-click the tab at the top and uncheck "Read-Only" and contin...

Embed FCKeditor in python app

I have a python application which need a gui HTML editor, I know FCKeditor is nice, so how to embed the FCKeditor in a python desktop app? ...

Can I and How to disable the popup when mouse hover/over the "plus(+)" mark in Eclipse?

When I use Eclipse to code Java programs, I can fold a block of codes, for example: a method or a comment. And When I fold the block, there will be a "plus(+)" mark appearing on the left side of the editor in Eclipse. If you hover your mouse over the mark, Eclipse will pop-up a frame showing those folded codes. I feel it's annoying, but ...

wmd editor sanitizing

hi, i am trying to find ways to sanitize the input of wmd editor Specifically, I am trying to make HTML tags only available in the <code>tags that wmd generates. Is that possible My problem is that the following code is rendered as html which is vunerable to potential xss attacks e.g. <a onmouseover="alert(1)" href="#">read this!</...

which is the best free code editor for mac?

Hello All i would like to know which is the best free mac code editor thanks in advance ...

Adding a dijit.Editor after page load

Hey Experts, please help me out with a dijit.Editor doubt. I want to add a dijit.Editor dynamically to my Page using jQuery. my code is: jQuery(#foo).before("<textarea width='500px' name='page_text2[]' dojoType='dijit.Editor' ></textarea>"); The textarea gets created, but dijit.Editor does not show. It seems dojo only parses elements...

Can GraphViz be used for a graph editing GUI?

I am creating an application which will allow a developer to create a program flow-chart by selecting pre-defined functions from a ToolBox (which will show up as small graphical elements). In other words, developer will select one or more pre-defined functions (graphical elements) from ToolBox and drag-drop on the main work area. The app...

Javascript wysiwyg editor with image upload functionality (use with JEditable)

I'm looking for a good wysiwyg editor with image upload functionality (i.e. a user can add as many pictures as he likes, form URL's or disk, and they'll be uploaded). I already tried TinyMCE, but it was really heavy and took a very long time to load (I'm using JEditable to only make the editor appear when the user clicks on it). ...

You don't have permission fckeditor php

i upload fckeditor in myadmin and i also make upload files in $Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/uploadfiles/' ; i had also gave 777 permission in upload files and browse.html but when i want to upload files there is showing error as below "You don't have permission to access /wealthfinance/admin/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/defaul...

Which types use a FileNameEditor in a PropertyGrid?

I need to change the editor for a property attached to a .net PropertyGrid, but I cannot set the Editor attribute of that property, because the property was generated by a tool, including all attributes. The desired editor is System.Windows.Forms.Design.FileNameEditor I can find many tutorials on the web to assign this editor to stri...

Max HTML/CSS Editor: TextWrangler or Aptana or Simple CSS?

Which do you recommend and why? (I would go textedit, but want to first learn and stick with coding for a while before I spend the money.) ...

creating BeanInfo objects in NetBeans 6.1 does not work for some objects

I have recently learned about BeanInfo classes in Java, and have successfully used them to add icons to my custom GUI components which extend swing components such as JTextField, however i have a more specialized GUI component which extends from another one of my GUI components, which then extends from JTextField. Ie. the class hierarch...

Python editor with automatic code completion?

I have seen various articles about good Python editors/IDEs, like this. However, none of them points out whether the editors support automatic code completion. I tried notepad++, PyScript and Komodo Edit, but all of these requires a hotkey to invoke the code completion dialog. Do you know any Python editors with automatic code completio...

Question about software that tracks divs better than notepad++

I recently got hired as a web developer, and the project that I am overseeing has a formatting issue on one of the pages because one of the divs is out of whack. It is a fairly complex page with quite a bit of php, and from what I can gather, I am missing a </div> tag somewhere, and accordingly everything is messed up. I am currently us...

ASP MVC dynamic fields in editor

I have a form which will include some optional questions that need to asked of the user. In my model it may look like pubic Dictionary<String, String> Questions { get; set; } where the key is the label and value is the text box. How can I create and populate controls for this? I'm new to ASP MVC, but it makes sense that something like...